Vishnu does everything!!

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When the demigods and demons, by the strength of their arms, rotated Mandara Mountain on the back of the extraordinary tortoise, the tortoise accepted the rolling of the mountain as a means of scratching His body, and thus He felt a pleasing sensation. This is nature of Krishna, He is always happy. The cause of this happiness of Krishna is none other than Shrimati Radharani. She makes sure that Krishna is always happy.

Everyone was trying their best but no positive results had shown up. Vasuki was about to die. Also, according to the speed in which they were churning, they would get the nectar in next Manavantar (see the time calculations for that).
Seeing the condition, Lord Ajita rolled His eyes and decided to help the demigods.

Lord Vishnu entered the demons as the quality of passion, the demigods as the quality of goodness, and Vasuki as the quality of ignorance to encourage them and increase their various types of strength and energy.
In this way, He empowered everyone.

But still, Mandara moutain wasn't balanced. So, Lord Vishnu again manifested in a form with thousands of arms. He appeared on the summit on Mandara moutain like another great mountain. And, with His one hand, He held the peak and balanced the mountain. And with that hand on the summit, He started spinning the mountain thus speeding up the churning. The demigods, demons and the serpent regained the hope by the touch of Vishnu. Infact, they were shocked that how, all of a sudden, everything got so smooth and easy.

Mandra mountain was brought by Vishnu, and the demigods and demons were also empowered by Vishnu. Vasuki got strength from Vishnu and Mandara got the base from Vishnu. The one who planned all this is Vishnu, the one who held the mountain is also Vishnu.
After all, Lord Vishnu does everything, yet we think that we do the work. Thinking that we did the work, we get false ego. So, the solution is to keep in mind that Vishnu is the Supreme Doer. Though Lord Vishnu did everything, He was kind enough to give the fame to the demigods, who were His devotees.

Vasuki had thousands of eyes and mouths. From his mouths he breathed smoke and blazing fire, which affected the demons, headed by Pauloma, Kāleya, Bali and Ilvala. Thus the demons, who appeared like sarala trees burned by a forest fire, gradually became powerless.

Because the demigods were also affected by the blazing breath of Vasuki, their bodily lusters diminished, and their garments, garlands, weapons and faces were blackened by smoke. However, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, clouds appeared on the sea, pouring torrents of rain, and breezes blew, carrying particles of water from the sea waves, to give the demigods relief.

When nectar did not come from the Ocean of Milk, despite so much endeavor by the best of the demigods and demons,
Lord Ajita, personally began to churn the ocean.

The Lord appeared like a blackish cloud. He was dressed with yellow garments, His earrings shone on His ears like lightning, and His hair spread over His shoulders. He wore a garland of flowers, and His eyes were pinkish. With His strong, glorious arms, which award fearlessness throughout the universe, He took hold of Vasuki and began churning the ocean, using Mandara Mountain as a churning rod. When engaged in this way, the Lord appeared like a beautifully situated mountain named Indranila.

The fish, sharks, tortoises and snakes were most agitated and perturbed. The entire ocean became turbulent, and even the large aquatic animals like whales, water elephants, crocodiles and timingila fish (large whales that can swallow small whales) came to the surface.

But this wasn't enough..

All of a sudden, everything started shaking. Something not so good was about to take place....

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