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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you enjoy this new chapter. It's kind of filler but I want to kind of set up future events in the story, adn establish some character. i know that Eve's kind of OOC in this, or idk probably OOC based on how she's presented. But I kind of what a polarization (is that spelled right?) of her and I kind of enjoy writing her like this. 

"WHAT!?" Evelynn screeched, her voice full of fury and disbelief. "How on earth could you say she did better?" She asked. "You heard the audience. They clearly liked my song better!"

"While that may be true," Y/N started. "I didn't like your song as much as Ahri's."

"I thought you said you'd be impartial!" Evelynn shouted.

"And I am," Y/N replied. "Your song was beautiful. There's no doubt. It fits you wonderfully, and you were on point the entire time. But I felt something was missing in it. Something important that didn't really match up with Ahri's. It was emotion. Ahri had more emotion in her song, and in the end, that's what gave her that extra little push. That's why I didn't score you as high because I didn't believe your song to be better."

Evelynn's face grew pink than red with embarrassment. She was never really picked apart like that, and she had been so sure of herself before. She sputtered for a bit before storming off.

Y/N went to go after her. "Eve!" He called out. "Wait-" before he could follow, Ahri put her hand on his shoulder and shook her head.

"I'll go after her," Ahri said. "I need to apologize. I shouldn't have been so mean to her before. I'll be right back. Look after the class for me."

Y/N nodded as Ahri walked out of the class. He looked at the students, who stared back unblinkingly. Suddenly a mass of whispers overwhelmed the silence that preluded.

"Do they know each other?"

"Are they fucking?"

"Why does Y/N have game and I don't?"

"What the fuck is going on?"

"You think I have a chance with Ahri?"

"I want to be held after class with our professor."

"I want Evelynn to step on me."

Y/N groaned before slamming his head into the desk. "Fuck my life."

--Ahri's POV--

I swiftly walked out of the class after Evelynn. She was already halfway up the hallway by the time I walked out of the classroom. Suddenly, she turned into the girl's bathroom. I walked in after her. I heard the sink activate as she washed her face.

"Hey..." I said slowly as I approached her. "You doin' alright?"

Eve glared at me before her face softened. "Yeah, I'm alright. I don't even know why I'm acting this way to be completely honest." She looked at her hands before shaking her head and walking over to the paper towel dispenser.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Maybe." She responded.

I just stood there silently, waiting for her to begin.

"I don't know," she said. "I get what he said, and I kind of understand. I still think I should've won, but it's just. I never had anyone pick apart any of my performances like that, even if it was just some shitty ass school singing contest."

"I get that," I reply. "But, like, why does it affect you so bad?"

"Ughhhh!" She ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't know! That's what's bothering me so much! I just felt so hot with embarrassment and shame when he picked me apart." Her face heated up a bit as she felt the same rush once again.

"Is it-?" I stopped myself before I could go further. "No, never mind."

"'Is it' what?" Eve asked.

"N-nothing." I laugh. "Come on. We should get back to class before they tear Y/N apart."

Evelynn chuckled. "Yeah. Okay, let's go rescue darling from those plebians."

Before we walked out of the bathroom, I turned to Evelynn. "Hey, about earlier. Sorry about calling you a whore and all that. I just got a little defensive."

"It's no problem," Eve replied. "I started it. And I probably shouldn't have called you a slut either."

"Yeah...thanks for apologizing."

"Who the hell said I was apologizing?" Eve looked back at me before flicking her hair over her shoulder and walking away.

"Wha- Hey!" I ran after her, trying to catch up with her longer strides.

--3rd Person POV--

When the girls arrived back to the classroom, they stood in shock at what they were witnessing. The classroom was trashed with kids running around and goofing off. And on the professor's desk was Y/N fast asleep with doodles sprawled across his face.

Ahri's face darkened. "Alright fuckers..." she growled. Eve backed up a bit, waiting for her to yell.

"HEY! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? YOU AREN'T IN THIS CLASS TO GOOF OFF AND RELAX! YOU'RE HERE TO SING, NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP AND QUIET DOWN!" Every student turned to look at her while slowly sliding down into their seats. Ahri sighed before rubbing the bridge of her nose. She turns to the desk. "As for you Mr..." Ahri looked around. Where was Y/N?" She looked at the students sitting down. Right there in the middle of the seats was Y/N sitting down, perfectly normal, whistling to himself. Ahri looked at the desk, then Y/N, then the desk again. She groaned. "Uugggghhhhh, I'm too tired to deal with this. Evelynn, take a seat."

Eve walks by Ahri and into the seats. She yoinks one guy out of his seat before sitting down next to Y/N. The guy glared at her, about to say something before Evelynn leveled a glare at him that pierced his soul. He slowly shuffled away. As Ahri began her lecture on vocal exercises and the class curriculum, Y/N turned to Evelynn.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked Eve. "You kind of stormed out. I didn't mean to make you so angry, sorry-"

Eve lifted a finger to his lips. "Ah-ah-ah. You're fine, darling. I simply...over-reacted. Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you." Eve seemed to get a little bashful as she spoke. Unusual for such an outspoken, confident woman.

Y/N lifted her finger off his lips and shrugged. "Even if we've been separated for a long time, you're still my friend. I don't want you upset with me." He rubbed the back of his neck and chuckled. Evelynn looked forward, cheeks tinged pink.

"Yeah. Hey, Y/N? I haven't said this, but...I missed you." Y/N turned and smiled at Evelynn.

"Yeah, I missed you too. It's weird, ever since you girls came back into my life it's like-"

"Got anything to share with the class Mr. L/N?" Ahri's voice was overly sweet, almost diabetic.

"N-no ma'am..."

"Good." Ahri continued with her speech. Y/N glanced over at Evelynn, and then at Ahri. Yeah...somethings changed within him, he's sure. Y/N spaces out, thinking about what's going to happen in the future with his friends back at his side.

A/N: Hey hope you enjoyed! I don't know if some of the characters are OOC, I'm just trying to get a feel out for them as I write. And I haven't written them very much and I haven't felt out the characters I want. But either way I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you liked reading it! Ciao!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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