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- strong language (cursing, insults, naughty words)

You have been Warned.


After a couple of months of living together, Y/n and Shigaraki became best of friends. They both worked with AFO on trying their quirks, and working together as a team.

During the next 6 years both Y/n and Shigaraki gathered feelings for each other but was more focused on destroying the villains than going on a date. However both adults in their lives encouraged them to go on a date which they took.

Y/n wore a blue dress that covers her chest, and goes down to her knees.  Shigaraki wore a grey button up shirt and black pants.

They both gotten fast-food and was eating in the park. They were having fun on their date.

"Shigs, how could you do that to Kuriguri." Y/n laughed out a bit as Shig told her that he stole a few things from Kuri to mess with him.

"Just felt like it." He was always self conscious about putting all five figures down on anything, but Y/n always makes sure that her sheild is working the entire time when Shigs feels like holding her hand.

It was nice for them, they put their trash away and started to walk back to the base.

When they gotten in, Y/n grabbed his wrist to get his attention.

"I really had fun today, thank you. Maybe we can do it again sometime?"

"Y-yeah...umm how about a month from today?"

"Sure." She kissed him on the cheek and ran upstairs to her room. Shigaraki stood there blushing as he reached to touch his cheek.

"Next time ask her to be your girlfriend." Kuriguri spoke up startleding the boy.

"Geez Kuri, umm I might... w-we will have to see when it comes." He walked upstairs to change his clothes.

The next day came by and nothing changed much between any of them. Y/n worked on stealing so they all could have a bit of a living. Shigaraki worked with AFO to master his quirk and fighting skills as much as he could. Of course they added the hands to Shigs villain outfit, but when he was alone with Y/n he work the hoodie and pants but no hands.

A month passes and they both went on another date.

Y/n wore a black button up shirt that stops towards her neck leaving a button undone, and black pants. Shigaraki had a red shirt, and black pants. Y/n grabbed his hand as they walked, but he hand his pinkie out, she didn't mind at all. He was uncomfortable and scared to hurt her even if she had her quirk.

"I have been reading up on a novel called 'The Elites' and it is quite similar to this world. They have powers but a lot of conflict happens. It is very interesting."

"It does, I'll read it sometime." He smiled at her. "Y/n... can I ask you something?"

"Go right a head."

"W-would you like to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! A million times yes. I would love to be your girlfriend." She hugged him and he looked at her smiling. He loved her so much.  He slowly wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead. They continued their little date, eating more fast-food, playing around, and having a nice walk. They gotten back but this time they went to Shigs room to watch a movie and cuddle. Well to Shigs understanding, snuggling. They both passed out during the movie.

Kuriguri walked in and gotten both of them laying down and covered. He turned the movie off and left them both to sleep together.

They both took it slow, holding hands, small dates when they were free, and kissing a cheek or a forehead. Sometimes they would snuggle up together.

But not everything could last.

Once a Villian, Always a Villian (MHA)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt