Burying the past

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A few days after the charity gala, I found myself stood above a freshly dug grave. After everything that had happened Estella was ready to bury her past, including "herself", which I felt was rather morbid, but being the drama queen that she is, she insisted on giving herself a proper send off. For the rest of the world Estella was dead, just like her Mother. She was Cruella now, and Cruella was taking charge of her own destiny. I stood there in silence looking down at the headstone engraved "Estella" as she gave her own eulogy, thinking about everything had happened over the past few months.

Those past few months had been crazy for us both – so much had happened and changed. But there we were on the other side of it all together, just as she had promised, and although Estella 'was dead', my Estella was alive and well. Despite everything that had happened she was still the same beautiful and enchanting woman that I met that day at my audition, and being with her makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. To the rest of the world she is evil, cold hearted Cruella, but to me she is perfect. Regardless of her short temper and bad moods, she still has the kindest, most gentle and loving soul I have ever seen, and I could not love her more if I possibly tried.

I looked up and locked my eyes on her giving her a gentle comforting smile. Despite the façade that she was trying to put on, I could tell she was a little upset. I knew deep down that this was her way of letting go of all the trauma and emotions that she was still holding on to. Once she had finished her speech, she walked towards me and gently took my hand, intertwining her fingers in mine, guiding me away from the grave side and back towards her mansion, which she had decided to rename Hell Hall.

As the evening drew in, we sat beside the radiant glowing flames of the fireplace taking in the warmth. She ran her fingers through my hair, continuing down and gently tracing them across my arm. I let out a long content sigh as I lay there in her arms, I had never felt so happy.

"This is nice." She purred, as she continued playing with my hair.

I hummed in agreement, looking up at her. Her emerald green eyes stared down at me affectionately as she tenderly cupped my face with her hand.

"You truly are the most amazing person I have ever met Y/N." She whispered.

"Stop it." I giggled shaking my head at her. For someone who is supposedly scary and evil, she really is quite lovely and affectionate deep down.

"I mean it, Y/N. I love you so much. I really do not know where I would be without you."

"I love you too, Cruella De Vil." I playfully giggled lightly tapping my finger on her nose before placing a long passionate kiss on her lips.

She kissed me back momentarily before breaking the kiss and resting her forehead on mine.

"You really are the best thing that has ever happened to me." She whispered. "I am not sure I will ever understand why on earth someone as beautiful as you can love and want to be with someone like me."

"Oh baby." I sighed, as I ran my hand across her cheek, feeling somewhat saddened by her insecurities. "I love you and want to be with you because you're perfect. Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do. I love you so fucking much it hurts."

"I know." She replied in a hushed tone. "I just get worried. I don't think anybody has ever actually loved me for who I truly am. Not since my mum died anyway."

"Well I love you, Estella. I couldn't love you more if I possibly tried. You make me feel loved and safe and you're so fucking gorgeous. You're everything I have ever wanted and more. From the day I first met you I fell head over heels in love with you."

Her eyes widened and a smile graced her face. "I love you too baby." She whispered in response before tenderly brushing her lips against mine.

I gave her a pleased smile before kissing her back, loosing myself in the softness of her lips. I placed my hands on the back of her head as my fingers became entangled in her black-and-white hair. She continued to kiss me eagerly, as she gently pushed me to lay down and lowered herself on top of me, deepening the kiss. We lay in front of the orange glow of the fireplace, and continued our passionate kiss for several minutes, before she pulled away, steadying her now heavy breathing.

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