The Art of Revenge - Part 1

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"You can't be serious! You never told me that was part of the plan." I anxiously exclaimed in shock at what she had just told me.

"It will be fine Y/N. I promise. Like I told you before you have to learn to trust me." She replied reaching her hand to my face, trying to calm my nerves.

"No Estella, I don't want you to do it. It's far too risky." I pleaded looking into her eyes in desperation hoping she would see sense.

"This has to happen for our plan to work, otherwise all our hard work will have gone to waste and the Baroness will never get what she deserves."

"I don't care." I snapped back at her. I knew how important getting revenge on the Baroness was to her, even I felt the desire for it myself after seeing how much she had her. But I was utterly terrified, the Baroness was totally ruthless and I didn't want Estella getting hurt.

" I don't want you to get hurt." I told her in a calmer tone.

"How many times do it have to tell you Y/N, you need to stop worrying so much, I will be fine." She insisted.

She was such a stubborn woman, there was no reasoning with her. Once she had a plan that was it, she was going to see it through regardless of the dangers. As attractive as her decisiveness was her plans were often beyond insane, and I couldn't help but feel anxious and worried about her safety.

"You're going to get yourself thrown off a literal cliff and you're telling me to stop worrying. Are you insane?"

"Only a little bit." She teased giving me a devilish smirk and raising her eyebrow.

I shook my head ignoring her playful teasing. "I am being serious, if this goes wrong you might be killed. "I've only just got you back, I don't think I could cope if I lost you again."

"You don't need to worry about that, because it isn't going to go wrong and I am not going to get hurt. I promise you that I will be back at the top in no time at all ready to do this." Before I had chance to object again she leaned in closer to me and tenderly kissed me before resting her forehead against mine.

"See, I am not going anywhere. You're mine now Y/N. You can't get rid of me that easily." She whispered running her fingers through my hair.

"Okay." I replied quietly looking into her green eyes. I knew that trying to argue with her and persuade her otherwise would be futile. So I begrudgingly agreed to go along with it. Though that didn't stop me feeling nervous about the whole ordeal.

"I love you." She said with a warm comforting smile on her face.

"I love you too." I replied before brushing my lips against hers once more.

"Come on, we better get back to it there's still lots more to do before Saturday night. We need to get all the dresses delivered and I need to go to see a Solicitor." She said walking towards the bedroom door of John's tiny Box Room.

I followed her out of the bedroom into and into the living room where Artie and his team of dress makers were still working on the dresses. Jasper and Horace sat in the corner of the room chatting.

"Are you two just going to stand around chatting all day or are actually going to do something productive for once in your lives." She hissed at them.

"Alright, alright. We were waiting for you to come and tell us what we needed to do. But you were clearly distracted." He replied gesturing towards us with a sarcastic tone.

She gave him a callous scowl in response to his sarcasm as she walked towards the door to go about her business . "Use your initiative you imbecile, you could have started packaging the finished dresses ready for delivery."

"Alright sorry" Jasper said holding both hands up at her.

I had come to notice that she had a short temper and often came across as a little forceful. I have to say I definitely found her assertiveness attractive, there was something about her confidence that I found totally enthralling. Though I was the only person that never faced her wrath, she was only ever tender and loving towards me.

"She's quite the handful." Jasper joked to me once she had left. "You must be mad getting involved in this, now she's Cruella she's like a totally different person." He added in a pitiful tone, which irritated me ever so slightly.

As much as I had grown to like Jasper I found him to be a little annoying. Don't get me wrong, he was a great guy. However I often felt deep down he was struggling to come to terms with both Estella's transition into Cruella and our relationship. I could tell that he liked her as more than friends and I could see he found it difficult to accept that she was with me. But he remained supportive, nonetheless, and I knew how important it was to Estella for us to get along so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"Sometimes." I chuckled in response nodding my head ever so slightly. "But she's still the same old Estella to me Jasper, and you can't help who you fall in love with." I replied giving him a friendly smile. I spent the rest of the afternoon helping Jasper and Horace start packing up the finished dresses for them to deliver that evening, whilst Estella continued her preparations.

~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Friday evening came in no time at all. After a week of intense preparations and hard work, it was almost time for our revenge. As the sun dipped below the horizon of the London landscape, the dark blue hue of the sky gradually began to fade to black. The cars droned in the street outside the window as the we all took a moment to ourselves, preparing ourselves for what was to come the next day. It was as if it were the calm before the storm. I couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong. I was so worried I was going to lose her again. My anxieties continued to torment and haunt me like a ghost that was always there.

I stayed at John's again that evening, I couldn't bare being away from her. I had to be near to her. I think she knew how nervous I was, I could tell she was too, but she hid it well. She walked into the Box Room, where I sat gathering my thoughts and gave me a warm comforting smile.

"You alright?" She said in a hushed tone, sitting herself on the bed beside me.

I gently nodded back at her in response. "Just a little bit nervous about tomorrow."

"Don't worry, it will be fine." She said now placing her arm around me. "Jasper just asked me if I am going to murder the Baroness." She added in a slightly amused tone.

I glanced up at her and looked into her eyes. "You better not." I replied laughing slightly knowing full well she would never.

"I wouldn't, not unless I had to anyway." She giggled playfully tapping my nose.

For a moment there was a silence as she held me in her arms, just taking in the moment. "You do still love me now that I am Cruella?" She asked quietly, breaking the silence.

"Of course I do. I love you regardless of whether you're Cruella or Estella. You're still the same girl I fell in love with." I whispered before kissing her passionately. "Plus, Cruella is very sexy." I giggled running my fingers through the dark side of her hair.

"I love you Y/N." She laughed before kissing me.

"Come on, let's get to bed. It's a big day tomorrow." I said breaking the kiss.

I barely slept at all as she held me in her arms that night. Despite knowing how important it was to be well rested for the next day, I just wasn't able to settle. I watched her sleeping peacefully, as the thoughts of what was to come circulated in my mind. I wasn't able to stop worrying that this may have been the last evening I got to spend with her. The thoughts of losing her again were unbearable. Despite it all, I closed my eyes and tried my hardest to get some sleep ready for the big day we had planned the next day. 

AN - As always I hope you enjoy it. I think I am almost done with this story. I literally have 2 more chapters planned out in my mind before its over. :( But I am not ready to stop writing about Cruella because i am a big simp for her and she has literally stolen my heart, so i've decided I am going to start writing One shots/Imagines. Feel free to send me requests and I will happily write them. 

love from B x 

Evergreen - Cruella/Estella x Reader (GXG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora