Confessions - Part 2

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Warning - talks briefly about  both Cruella and Y/N having dead parents and also being abandoned as a child. Also car accident inferred.

It wasn't long until she walked back into my bedroom wearing nothing but a towel. I couldn't help but stare at her, admiring her natural beauty. She was utterly breathtaking. Despite the fire the night before she still looked amazing. There were hardly any marks on her perfect skin at all – only a few minor cuts and bruises.

"Hey" I said smiling at her. "Do you feel a bit better now?"

"Yes" She nodded.

"I put some clothes on the bed for you. If you need anything else, you can help yourself. You're welcome to wear or use anything you want." I added.

"Thanks for helping me Y/N, I need it right now." She smiled back at me before changing into my clothes.

She certainly seemed calmer now, but I could still see that she was overwhelmed and upset. She wasn't back to her usual self, but I knew that would take time. After all it sounded like she had been through a pretty traumatic night, she must have been exhausted.

"Come over here" I said once she was fully dressed.

She sat herself down next to me, and rested her head on my shoulder. I softly kissed her head and ran my fingers through her black and white damp hair.

"Do you want me to dry your hair?" I asked her, knowing that she probably wouldn't have the energy to manage it herself.

"Yes." she nodded.

She sat between my legs on the floor as I began to gently comb her wet hair, getting out all the tangles she had in them from the night before.I wondered how she had managed to get her hair so matted. Her hair smelt of my coconut shampoo, and once I was done detangling it looked shiny and softer than before.

"This is nice" She hummed. "I am not used to you looking after me, usually I am the one spoiling you." She giggled.

"Ah well, you're in need some TLC right now my love, but don't get used to it, you owe me when you're feeling better." I joked.

As I dried her hair I could see her eyes slowly closing. She really was exhausted. I could see her trying her hardest to fight her urge to fall asleep.

"You need to rest" I said after I had finished drying her hair. "Come on, you need to go to bed."

She shook her head. "No we need to finish our conversation. I have to tell you everything and then I need to get Jasper and Horace."

"Jasper and Horace? Where are they?" I queried not really keeping up with what she was saying.

"Jasper and Horace are in jail Y/N! I need to get them out. Tonight" She exclaimed.

For a second I thought she was talking nonsense out of exhaustion, but after all the surprises she had sprung on me today I thought it was best to listen to what she actually had to say.

"Why are they in jail?" I questioned further.

"Because of that bitch, The Baroness, also known as my Mother. She tried to kill me last night in the fire and set them up for it." She muttered.

I looked at her with in confusion. I was extremely lost now. I had no idea what she was talking about. She had never told me that the Baroness was her Mother. She had never really asked about my family so I never asked about hers. I tended to avoid conversations about family altogether in all honesty. It felt easier way. My family – or lack of family – were far too dysfunctional to even talk about, and I didn't want anybody's pity, not even Estella's.

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