The State of Green

Start from the beginning

Raheem: Is Minghao on training yet?

Sayuri: She is and she is coming along well.

Raheem: That's good, is anything else needed for here?

Sayuri: Everything is good here, will ring you when we got something.

Raheem: All right, later.

Raheem took off and was doing his rounds around the forest. He was coming across the blacksmith section where it got a lot bigger to be able to handle more than one person. Also there were two familiar faces that were the head of the blacksmith.

Rufio: OK, get those shovels ready.

Rufio had grown a lot over the ten years, he gained the full tattoo and was in the same state Migul was in before he gained the champion artifact.

Rufio was making sure the tools of the forest were good to go and able to keep things strong and healthy. Rufio checked the tools and they were all good to go.

Rufio: All right everyone, you can go to trinker, making new trinkets and necklaces.

Everyone started doing trinkets they wanted to do. Just then someone came to Rufio.

Person: Hey sweetie.

The person was Duenne, she had grown into a very strong and sexy woman. She had gained scales on the back of her hands and gained heat immunity.

Rufio: Hello my flower.

Rufio stooped down and and kissed Duenne.

Duenne: How are things here?

Rufio: All good, everyone is doing their own thing rright now.

Rufio took on a lot of people to do simple blacksmithing for necklaces, trinkets and such. This made Rufio a master blacksmith, Duenne as well since he taught her everything.

Duenne: That's good,

Rufio: How is Rhya?

Duenne: Rhya is great.

Rhya is the name of their daughter, she is a wolf dragon hybrid but since her father is a fire dragon and her mother is a water dryad and their tattoo is blue, she has more than one special ability that goes hand in hand. She has a flame breath but she can combine them with her water manipulation to cause heavy damage.

Rufio: Our little flower is growing up fast.

Duenne: That she is.

Rufio: You want to get started on something or?

Duenne: I will be working on some of the new metal coming in.

Rufio: OK, enjoy yourself.

Duenne: Always do.

Duenne went to the furnace and was working on melting down the new metals that came in since they still get supplied from Destiny City from melting down scraps. Rufio was helping out a new person to the forest.

Rufio: How is it coming over here?

Person: Pretty good.

The person is named Eden, he is an AI that recently came there and was working in the forest, mainly the hives, which earned him the yellow tattoo markings. They were on the backs of his hands since he was still new. He was working on something simple to start.

Eden: Almost done.

Eden did some finishing touches and put his creation in the water to cool it. He was making a small bee trinket.

Rufio: Well done, let it cool then you can start to decorate it.

Eden: Thanks.

Rufio went back to working and helping the others. Everyone was happy in the forest and nothing was going to change. Over in the Aviary, birds and animals were there in unison. The people who run the Aviary is none other than Li and Kelly. They take care of any birds or animals that got injured or held in captivity, go back to the wild and live on their own.

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