Severus Snape (Smut)

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Severus Snape x OC

Potions was Ally's favourite class, which was unusual as most people despised it. It came down to the fact that Ally and Snape had a sort of rivalry against each other and she absolutely loved getting him angry, the detentions she loved a little less. Taking away her nights from her friends so she had to clean and organise his cupboard.

Ally had advanced potions as she was excellent at it, another reason she enjoyed the class. Snape was surprised at how good Ally was in potions, the first year at Hogwarts she was able to do way more advanced stuff, which was unusual, I guess you could say she has a gift in it.

She has a secret though, nobody knows of course because what the hell would they think if they found out she had a secret attraction to her potions Professor. It kind of came when Snape grabbed her wrists pushing her against the wall after she got caught pulling a prank that Fred and George organised.

She never told anybody about the interaction but later that night she found herself fantasising about that little scene between Snape and herself. What would he think if he found out. Who knows.

"Fuck!" She cursed as she realised her alarm didn't go off. Her eyes scanning the room for her uniform which was in a Dump on the floor.

Her heart skipped a beat as she realised she had overslept for twenty minutes, and Professor Snape wouldn't be happy.

Ally, grabbed her clothes shoving them on while having one hand brushing her teeth as the other tried to pull up her skirt. Multitasking was not something Ally was good at, especially when she was in a hurry.

Her hair was flung into a ponytail, she grabbed her books and sprinted out of the dorm. Even after nearly 7 years of being at Hogwarts she still had to think of which was the potions classroom was.

After realising it was left, ally let her legs carry her there. Not stopping until she reached the dungeons. The cold air hit her legs, she regretted not putting on tights as goosebumps appeared along her legs from the cold air hitting them.

As if it was a sigh from the universe, she clashed straight into a tall figure, dropping her books.

"Shit!" She exclaimed as she knelt down to collect her things. "I do apologise I was in a hurry and-" Ally stopped her prolonged apology the moment she saw the gowns beneath her. She could recognise them black gown anywhere. Her mouth gaped as she shot her head upwards, locking onto the eyes of her ill-tempered potions Professor with a sour look spread across his face.

"I uh, Professor I was just-" She stumbled on what to say. She realised it wasn't the time to argue with Professor. Ally dropped her gaze and began collecting her things. She straightened her back and was about to stand up until her eyes landed on Snape's crotch which was eye level to her. She took her lips between her teeth and she realised it was merely inches away as she was knelt in-front of him.

"Miss Blackmore!" He sneered noticing The direction Ally was looking in.

As if she had been hit by a jolt of lightening, she stood up now facing the Professor. "Well I better be going to class" She laughed nervously before continuing past the man.

"Do you care to tell me why you are late to my class Blackmore, I was on my way to collect some vials for today's potion before you inconsiderably knocked into me!"

"I overslept" She spoke. "Don't tell me you've never done it" She rolled her eyes. "Look I'm here now, give me a detention if you really want"

He scoffed loudly "Begging for a detention are you"

She crossed her arms. I can beg for something else if you want, she thought. A smirk appearing on her lips as her mind spiralled.

Not to Ally's notice, Snape raised his brows slightly, his lips parting.

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