"I'll miss you too." He sighs into my hair. 


2 Months Later 


I basically ran out of the train, never in my life have I ever wanted to be back at Hogwarts as much as I did in the summer break. 

I placed my trunk with all the others and made my way to the carriages, the skeletal horse looking animal waiting patiently as I impatiently waited for the carriage to fill up. 

As soon as the carriage filled up and the thestral finally started moving did I let out a breath of relief. 

Tom did keep his promise about sending letters, but they were vague with short "I miss you's" and "Love you's". I got worried, maybe he got too lonely? Or maybe he just didn't feel like writing to me? Maybe he thought I was being annoying? Merlin, I need to stop overthinking.

Soon enough we made it to Hogwarts, a smile lighting up my face as I saw the beautiful castle, towering over us and we passed through the gates.



The other students in the common room told me that they last saw Tom heading to his room a bit ago and suggested I go try to find him there, so I was in front of his door, nervously trying to get the courage to knock. 

I lift my hand and suddenly the door swings open-

I gasp, "Tom-"

Before I can complete my sentence, I'm lifted up into an embrace, his arms squeezing me, his scent filling the air. 

I wrap my legs around him and giggle, "I missed you too" 

I feel him softly smile against my shoulder, I run my hands through his hair, letting the gelled curls free. 

"Oh hey- come on- it took me forever to get them still-" He complained as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

I smile and pull him into a deep kiss, his hands take my face and it feels so..

The feeling is beyond explanation. 

I jump down, he lets out a grunt of disapproval, I then enter his dorm, and hop onto his bed. 

"Hey- you're going to mess up my sheets." He lifts an eyebrow. 

I roll my eyes playfully and get up, "Come on, the first sentences you say to me for the first time in two months are you just complaining." 

"Sorry love, I missed you." The lazy smile lays on his face, his eyes crinkling with genuine glee. 

I walk over to his desk and plop down on his chair, my eyes still on him, his eyes flicker to something on the desk and a blur of panic flashes on his eyes. 

I look at where he glanced, and a bundle of letters are there. 

I smile mischievously, "Tom Marvolo Riddle, who are you writing to?" I look up at him and grab the letters. 

"No- don't read them." He pleads with his eyes. 

I raise an eyebrow and open the first letter, I hear him sigh and sit down onto his bed. 

"It's embarrassing really, it's nothing of matter." He says, still trying to convince me.

I start reading.

July 1, 4:30 p.m

Dear love, 

It's been seven hours since you left. Twice now I've started to go to your room to ask you how you're liking the book I gifted you last week and then remembered you weren't here. It's strange that you aren't around, drifting down the halls. I've nearly owled a few times but I don't want to seem possessive. I'm going to have to distract myself until you come back.

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