another chance

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My breathing was heavy, I panted, cold sweat clung into my skin. I could hear my heart racing as I looked around.

Everybody is racing out of Hogwarts, what's happening?

"Excuse- Excuse me- please, EXCUSE ME," I shouted at anybody who passed me. It was like they couldn't hear me, they were too busy to listen to me.

Oh god, Wheres Tom? Is he okay? What's fucking happening?

"Please somebody tell me what's happening!" I screamed.

Finally a blonde girl took pity on me and stopped quickly, "Hogwarts is under attack."

It felt like my heart stopped, I could feel ringing in my ears, the girl looked at me desperately, it was obvious she was torn over the decision to leave me or comfort me.

"I'm sorry." And then she ran.

I needed to find Tom.

"TOM, TOM!" I screamed as I ran deeper into Hogwarts, pushing past the rushing people.

I felt somebody grab onto my arm, it was Malfoy, Tom's friend or whatever he is.

"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed at me, he looked frustrated.

"Have you seen Tom?" I asked.

"I- um.." he stutters.


"He's outside." He finally said.

"What's wrong? Why do you have that look on your face? Oh my god, is he hurt?" I started panicking.

"Oh no no no, he's not hurt.. just come outside and see, please, he wanted you out of any harms way, he'll kill me if you even get a scratch on you." He pleaded.

"Oh alright." Relief flooded into my senses.

So we ran out of the castle, his hand wrapped around my arm firmly but not too tightly.

I really hope Toms okay.

We reach the large entrance doors and push through the crowd outside, the view is horrifying, pieces on the castle lay on the floor. Mini fires are lit, people are running, spells are being thrown, the panic takes me, and I heave with the feeling, it surrounds me, fogs my vision.

These people are my friends, family, people I've grown up with and I'm watching them getting killed.

Malfoy tugs on my arm, "It's not the time to grief, later."

I stare at him, and force my frozen limbs to move.

I need to find Tom.

His name repeats in my head and my body seems to remember how to work and I follow Abraxas.

The area we're heading to is quieter, more peaceful, instead people with black costumes are roaming around, throwing spells towards the castle.

"Who are those people? Why are they attacking Hogwarts?? Why are we heading towards them?? Abraxas answer me!" I plead.

He sighs, "Please, let Tom explain, it's not in my authority to explain this to you."

Tom Riddle ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now