Chapter 2 | Plan Success

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Danny woke the next day, jumping up out if bed and taking a shower before he rushed over to his desk and took out a piece of paper.

Danny took a few minutes to find the perfect thing to write, eventually settling on, 'Your smile lights up my day like the sun.' with a small heart on the bottom next to a '-Love, your secret admirer'.

Danny finished getting ready for class, carrying his backpack on his back and the note in his hand.

Danny reached Alec's locker and looked around, seeing an empty hallway before he slid he note in the small hole of his locker, quickly rushing off in attempt not to get caught.

Danny went over to Leah's locker, waiting for her.

At the moment, there were very few students in the hallway, he had gone before the crowd appeared so that he wouldn't get caught.

His (or Leah's) plan, was successful


A/N: I was snacking on some gold fish while making this 🤡 159 words btw, sorry it's so short

His Not So-Secret Admirer (boyxboy) Where stories live. Discover now