"Britain is the son of one of the most well-known Aerillian hunters in the world... perhaps his father took you and cut off your wings, and then gave to his son to raise?" Minnesota said.

"How do you know all of this?" Texas asked.

"My human," Minnesota said.

"Oh! right! he wanted me to give this to you," Texas said, handing Minnesota the coin with a loon on it. Minnesota smiled.

"Aww, he's so sweet," Minnesota said.

"Welp, looks like were here," Illinois said. They looked up and saw a grand palace that looked like something out of a fantasy disney movie. Like, the beast's castle or somethin, but less gloomy.

"I am very nervous suddenly," Texas said.

"I'll go in with you, don't worry," California said. While the others were getting settled in the empire, California and Texas entered the Palace.

"State your business," A guard said, eyeing Texas, realizing he looked more human than Aerillian.

"It's Cali, Mex and Ame love me, tell em I got their son here," California said the guard rolled his eyes, and went to get the Empress and her husband. "I have the reputation of 'bratty bear b*tch' to many guards here," California said.

"Hmm, it's fitting," Texas teased. California smiled and rolled his eyes. Soon, a guard escorted them to the throne room, where the Empress and her Husband waited.

"California... did you bring a human and claim it to be our lost son?" America said upon seeing Texas.

"He's not actually human, show them your back," California said. Texas lifted his shirt and showed them the scars on his back.

"Those scars can be from anywhere. Do you realize how many birds flew in trying to pretend to be our son? And now you bring a human!" Mexico exclaimed angrily. America grabbed her hand gently.

"Let's hear him out, love. Can you shift for us?" America asked. Texas held his breath.

"It really really hurts though...," Texas said. Mexico stared at him with intensity, and he knew there was no other way to prove himself. He took a deep breath, and shifted into his eagle form. Immediately, Mexico and Americas expressions turned to heartbreak and realization, seeing the golden-bald eagle with no wings. He shifted back to his human form, tears streaming down his face.

"S-sorry... I just learned how to shift... It still hurts... I-I... I thought I was a human too... I was raised by humans," Texas said. Mexico and America walked up to Texas, and America lifted Texas's chin. They stared at each other, and Texas realized their striking resemblance. He had their dark olive skin, Mexico's brown hair, Americas features, but the most striking resemblance was their eyes. Texas had unique eyes that faded from blue to green. Mexico had bright green eyes, Americas a dark blue.

"Y-you... you really are our son...," America said. Texas teared up and held his parents in a hug they quickly returned, while California watched all happy-like.

"Who took your wings?" Mexico asked sadly. Texas sighed.

"I don't know... but... I'm sure as hell gonna find out,"

"Thanks New Jersey," Texas said, getting off the horse that brought him back to the village.

"Neigh," New Jersey said. Texas knew that even if New Jersey was in his human form, he'd still say neigh. Texas made his way to the orphanage, often getting stopped by people apologising for overreacting, and saying they were glad he's ok and not dead like Confederate had them believe. Once he got there, he found Britain reading a book to the children.

"Britain... I need to talk to you," Texas said. Britain nodded, and the two of them went to a small room that Britain used as a therapy room, to talk with any child going through a rough time. "Did... did you know I was an Aerillian?" Texas asked. Britain looked slightly nervous, and Texas started getting a bit irritated, wondering if Britain knew all along.


"You did, didn't you?" Texas spat. He really didn't want to be mean, but he was at a loss of why someone he considered a father figure would lie to him.

"I... I knew...," Britain said softly. Texas took a deep, shaky breath.

"Who took my wings?" Texas asked. Britain went pale, and Texas clenched his fists. "Who took my wings, Britain," Texas snarled. Britain looked down.

"I-I did...," Britain said. Now, Texas didn't want or mean to punch Britain, but suddenly he was on the floor, clutching his stomach.

"HOW COULD YOU!?" Texas screamed, tears pouring down his face. However, when he heard Britain sobbing as well, he immediately regretted everything. He knelt down in front of Britain, who was still slumped on the floor and crying into the palms of his hands.

"I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't be crying... I... I hurt you... I shouldn't cry... I just... I'm so sorry... I just wanted to protect you and I did it in the worst way possible," Britain said, furiously trying to wipe away his tears.

"What happened...?" Texas asked. Britain took a deep breath.

"The first time my father took me hunting I had to watch as he slit a woman's throat right in front of her teenage son... I had to beg my father to spare the poor child...

Years later, when I established the orphanage... my father told me one of my kids told him of a Aerillian village.... I... I knew he was going to kill as many as he could... and that... he would kill the poor innocent children too... I followed him and his army...

I wanted to help the Aerillians, but they were all afraid of me... one tried to shoot me with an arrow, so I fled behind the rest of the troops... I... I felt so ashamed I couldn't help them... but then I saw one man holding you by the wings, laughing as you screamed and cried... you were only a baby... I grabbed you away from him and fled back to the orphanage... I knew if my father found you, he'd kill you and hang your wings on his wall....

What I did wasn't right... It was the worst thing I could have done... I could have just returned you... I guess I was afraid they'd kill me before I could explain myself... I'm so sorry...," Britain said. Texas stared at him sadly, remembering all the reasons why Britain was a father to him. He hugged him close.

"I forgive you,"

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