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France was healing Californias leg, while Texas was helping replace the bandages on Britain. California, trying to distract himself from the pain, was watching Texas closely.

"What happened to him?" California asked.

"An Aerillian bear attacked him... allegedly at least," Texas said.

"Wh-what...? No... none of the bears I know even go near the human village... hell, I was unsure if you guys even existed," California said. Texas sighed.

"Huh... I wonder if Confederate was just lying again... I wouldn't doubt it," Texas said. France poured a strange looking potion on Californias arm that got caught in the trap, and he gasped in pain.

"Calm, child, this will seal the wounds," France said. California was breathing heavily, and Texas felt a pang of guilt.

"You... you didn't do it, huh?" Texas asked.

"N-no, I never met a human before... Ali was right about the traps...," California said.

"Oh... did they get caught in one?" Texas asked.

"Lost his leg to one apparently...," California said. Texas felt even worse.

"I'm really sorry... I just wanted to make sure nobody else got hurt," Texas said. California nodded.

"I-I... I understand... Um... what's your name? I'm California," California said. Texas smiled.

"My names Texas," Texas said. California stared at him for a moment.

"The mockingbirds weren't making you up!" California exclaimed.

"The mockingbirds?" Texas asked.

"Yeah, the three mockingbirds you supposedly feed every day?" California said.

"Wait! They're Aerillian too?" Texas exclaimed.

"Yeah! So is Virginia," California said, patting Honey on the head.

"Really? Who's Virginia?" Texas asked. Suddenly, Honey shifted to her human form.

"Hi!" Virginia exclaimed. Texas stared at her in awe.

"Shoot, I feel stupid now...," Texas said.

"You're a human, you have an excuse," France said, patting Texas on the head.

"You're human too!" Texas exclaimed. France chuckled and took off her cloak. There were colorful wings on her back.

"Woah! What are you?" California asked.

"A rooster," France said.

"Aren't roosters male?" Texas asked.

"I was, but a few spells fixed that," France said.

"Oh, I see," Texas said. France finished healing Californias wounds, and gave him a croissant for being a good boy.

"Thank you ma'm," California said, before shyly looking over at Texas. "You don't suppose I can join you around the village... just to see?" California asked. Texas hummed in thought.

"If anyone sees your bear ears... you're dead meat... here, wear this," Texas said, handing him his cowboy hat. California smiled and put it on sideways.

"Hats, huh? Humans are into their fashion," California said. Texas smiled, and helped California put the hat on correctly. They went into the village, and Texas was answering Californias many questions.

"Wait, so, there's only one type of human, right?" California asked.

"I suppose so, I mean, sometimes we differentiate ourselves by color," Texas said.

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