Ashling aka 'tha boss'

Kadie we have a slight problem

Nice to talk to you too, what's going on????

The little woman and jjumaji premier
date were just decided and their both in December, and you have the frozen
premier in a few days as well

Two premiers in one month!!! But I also
have the album to work on?

Exactly, it's going to be a lot of
none stop work for a few weeks, so
prepare your self I guess

Great! What's the dates? Any chance you
can delay them?

I already tried, there's absolutely
no moving the jjumaji premier and
the only other possible date for little
women is Christmas Eve and I highly
doubt you want to miss your famous
Kardashian's Christmas Eve party

No definitely not, my family was murder
me in my sleep if I were to miss the
Christmas Eve party, thanks for trying!
I'm sure it will be fine, just a lot of late night

Yep! Now do you want to design
your premier dresses or will I higher
a designer?

No it's ok thanks, I have lots of sketches,
I'll send them to the tailor in today

Great, now forget about all this and
enjoy your vacation! I'll see you on
Saturday for Jimmy kimmel and
Sunday for the premier!

Thanks Ashling


"I also think Kadie should work on being present and not constantly on her phone" Khloe said raising her voice and looking at me

"I was just talking to Ashling" I tucked my phone back into my pocket

"Yeah all the dam time" Khloe said tilting her head at me

"Don't tilt your head at me, I'm in the middle of the busiest month of my life"

"No, you'll be in the middle of the busiest month when we get back to LA, right now we're in Wyoming"

"Oh my god this place is so cute" Kendall spoke looking out the window. I looked out the window and we're driving through a wooden arch way that read 'diamond cross ranch' and there's loads of fields with cows and horses.

"Do we talk with a southern accent the rest of the day?" Kendall said in an accent

"I think everybody hates us here already, so I don't think we should" Khloe said in a southern accent "this is like, the epitome of us city folk"

The buss drove into a parking spot and then the door of the van slide open

"How spectacular is this place?" Kim said being the first out of the van

"Look at the beautiful white horses" Kourtney said

"Does anyone have any spare sunglasses?" I yelled jumping out of the van and immediately being blinded by the sun.

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