𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 2

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Disclaimer: This is a takeover book from @bl3ach- so my book wont be as good as theirs! I totally recommend checking out their profile!

What worked? Was something wrong with me?

I didn't realize I had asked the question out loud as well, so I jumped when mother Gisela spoke up.

"No, darling. You're perfectly fine. It was just a small... experiment," She assured me.

I nodded and sat up. I was in my room at the Neverseen base. It was quite small, with only a hard bed, white sheets, black walls, a small desk, a closet, and a bathroom.

"Well," Father Fintan said, clapping his hands, "It's time we get to training. Nyx, get dressed."

Right. My name was Nyx.

With that, Mother, Father, and Vespera strode out of the room.

I got up and trudged over to my closet. Inside, there was my usual Neverseen cloak, a few pairs of black leggings, some daggers, thin black long-sleeved shirts, and pyjamas, but they were just a baggy black t-shirt and shorts. I slipped into some black leggings and a black long-sleeved shirt. Then, I tied my hair into a simple ponytail and grabbed some daggers.

"Hurry up, Nyx," Father Fintan growled from the other side of my door.

"Coming," I spat back.

I slogged over to my door and threw the door open.

"It's about time," Father snarled.

I rolled my eyes. "I barely took 2 minutes." 

"You'd be surprised what you can accomplish in 2 minutes. For instance, we were able to release a gnomish plague in 2 minutes," Father told me.

"That didn't end well for you, did it?" I sassed back.

Father shot a glare at me. "Only because the pesky Black Swan got in our way."

I mentally gagged. The Black Swan was our nemesis. They had always interfered with our plans to make the Lost Cities a better place. We'd tried everything- from becoming allies, to manipulating them. Honestly, the Black Swan didn't even know what we were trying to do. We were tired of the Predjucies, so we wanted to overthrow the Council. Start a new world. But the Black Swan thought otherwise.

Father sucked in a breath. "Enough chit-chat. You need to start training."

I nodded and followed my father into a large, padded black room, complete with daggers, swords, splotchers, and a bunch of gadgets.

Father must've noticed my gaze because he stepped in front of me. "Today we will be practising Exillium skills," He emphasized.

I groaned. "You know I hate those!"

 "So dramatic," Father muttered under his breath.

I grabbed a dagger from my cloak. "Sparring match. You win, we do Exilluim skills. I win, I get to do whatever I want for the rest of the day." 

Father grinned. "Deal."

We both made our way over to the daggers and swords. I grabbed 3 small, light-weight daggers, 1 large dagger with an incarnate design, and a large sword that looked too much like the ones in the books.

I went to my side of the ring. "First one to draw blood," I called.

Father nodded and made his way over across from me. "On three. One... two..."

"Three!" I finished for him, charging at him with my sword.

Father dodged and grabbed my wrist. I snarled and jerked out of his grip, dodging his dagger by inches. I ran over to the other side of the ring, letting him corner me.

"Looks like we'll be doing Exillium training today," He croaked with amusement.

I smirked. "Not so fast."

I kicked him in the leg, sending him tumbling to the ground. I grabbed his sword and slashed at his cheek, but missed by inches. Father rolled over and grabbed my leg, making me fall. I growled and quickly got up to push him down again, but he dodged and sprang up. 

I backflipped over him and threw a dagger at his arm. The dagger hit exactly where I wanted and I smirked while father snarled in pain and threw a few colourful words into the mix.

"I let you win," he growled.

I rolled my eyes. "Please, even a rookie could beat you." 

He grit his teeth in response and strode out of the room. I grabbed some more daggers and threw them at a dummy for about an hour.

Suddenly, a crisp accented voice popped into my head.


The word made me feel a weird feeling- happy? Why was I happy over a human name?

Sophie? It said again, a little more urgent.

When I didn't respond, it blared into my head.

SOPHIE?! It practically screamed.

I covered my ears and curled up into a little ball as it got louder and louder. The voice went on for about 30 more minutes, until mother Gisela walked into the room to tell me it was time to eat, and found me on the floor covering my ears. She rushed over and crouched down.

"Nyx, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Voice... head..." I whispered.

Mother nodded. "I know exactly what to do."

A/N :O Dun Dun DUNNNN! (Jk Gisela will probably just go get some headache elixirs)

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