17 going 27

367 6 1

Summary: you fall asleep one night, praying to go forward in time to 10 years later, when you wake up, it happens! (Based on a dream I had last night!💜)
Warnings: swearing, suggestive themes, fluff, confused!paddy, 13 going 30 situation, nudity.
Pairing: 28 year old Paddy x 27 year old reader
Word count: 1.5k

Your POV:
High school sucked, you just really hated life at the moment, your friends sucked, your grades and family were the only things that were ok in your teenage life at the moment. You had just finished watching '13 going 30', which is your favorite film, and all you could do was wish that you could turn 10 years older, instead of jumping right to 30.

According to social media the late twenties were now the best part of your life. You went to bed that night crying, it had been a tough day, and all you could think about was your future, how you wanted to see where you'd be in, as you fell into your sleep.

~the next morning, or so you thought~

Your eyes hurt when you felt them flutter open, you could feel the tears stained on your cheeks, your body slowly coming back to its senses too. You felt arms wrapped around your waist.

"GAH!" You screamed, unwrapping yourself from the grip, and accidentally fell off the bed. You groaned at the pain that you felt all over you.

"Fuck sweetheart! You ok?" You Heard a London accent call from the bed, you put your hand on your forehead and groaned again in response.

"My head" you whispered, Finally letting your eyes flutter open again, your eyes met some gorgeous brown ones, his hair was Auburn, wavy and freckles were littered all over his face, why the fuck was Paddy Holland (your childhood crush) in your bed?!

Your body was still on the sheets, that had fallen with you, but when you looked down you noticed that you were in fact naked. You gasped and covered yourself up. You looked back up to see him smirking, before standing up on his side of the bed huh, cute ass, you thought. He pulled on some boxers and came over beside you.

"Come on love, 's not like I've not seen you naked before" he chuckled, you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, what the fuck is happening? You thought, he handed you a silk robe with your first initial on it, but the second one was a 'H'.

You wrapped it around yourself quickly, and then you heard a baby crying, loudly. Your eyebrows managed to furrow more, there's a baby? Hold on, this isn't your room?

"What the fuck?" You mumbled, Paddy sighed and stood up, holding his hand out for you to take.

"Come on, let's go check on her" he nodded, taking you out of the bedroom, into the one next to it. You looked around in awe, the walls were painted pink, with sparkles, and there were family pictures on the wall, but that was you, Paddy and this little baby. The baby was still crying, but hushed a little bit when he picked her up.

"You wanna see mama?" He whispered to the baby, your eyes widened as he stretched his out his arms for you too take the baby, you took her carefully, finding a comfy way to hold her, in a way that you had seen in movies.

"What's her name?" You asked, immediately feeling like an idiot for asking, Paddy's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you and your baby.

"Uh, Lillian? How hard did you hit your head Angel?" he asked, coming closer and taking the baby back and putting her back in her crib.

"Why do you keep calling me that?" You asked, more to yourself than to him.

"Do you need to go to the hospital love?" He asked worriedly, taking your smaller hands in his bigger ones.

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