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Y/n's pov:

Me and Paddy have been arguing ever since our daughter Hazel was born.I hate it, he definitely hates me! He hasn't been Home in a week..

,,He doesnt reply to ANY of my Texts and hasnt called me back what do i do he's getting out of control i mean he's texting other girls. Am i not good enough?" i ramble to Nikki

,,Sweatheart it's ok he'll come along" Nikki tried to assure me but it didnt work
,,He texted Tom saying hes sick and tired of me.. Nikki please do something talk to him or something" i beg Nikki

,,I will try Darling.. ill try." Nikki tells me, i smile and say my goodbye's

Nikki's Pov:
,,Poor girl" i thought ,,Paddy already confessed to us that he cheated on her and the bad news is the girl is pregnant.. i didnt even know you could hate your own son. How could he do this to her i mean she is so sweet and smart and they have a beautiful baby girl.."

*5 months later*

Paddy's Pov:
,,I did it" i told my family, they all look at me confused. I started tearing up. ,,I gave Y/n the divorce papers" i spoke slowly, My mom burst out in tears do did Zendaya ,,Thats fucked up" Tom told me. ,,I know i dont know why i did it" i added

My mom left the room.. well i fucked up

*4 years later* (sorry but im lazy af)

Y/n's Pov:

,,Wake up birthday girl" i cooed waking up my daughter. She groaned softly ,,Noo.." she whined
I chuckled ,,Come on love, your going to grandmas and grandpa's" ,,Fine" she huffed

*they arrive at Nikki and Dom's place*

Tom's Pov:

Today is Hazel's birthday.. we all miss her
After Paddy and Y/n got divorced she moved away to Germany to her parents and rest of the Family so we dont see them anymore

,,Goodjob Paddy" i spoke everybody looked up
,,What do you mean" he asked confused
,,Dont you remember? Its your daughters birthday today" i reminded him
he looked down a few tears rolling down his cheeks
,,Why are you crying? You did this you should be ashamed of yourself man!" i told him sternly

Then we heard the doorbell go off

,,Ill get it" Mum said bummed
She went to the door until we heard her gasp that caught our attention she swung the door open to reveal Y/n and a 6-7 year old Hazel
Mum imidiatly hugged her

We shared glanzes shocked of her being here
,,What are you doing back in London?" i asked happy that she is here
,,Oh uhm well if you guys didnt know today is Hazels 7th birthday and her wish was to come to London and see her grandparents and uncles" she told us
,,Well come in dear" Mum shooed her into the house

She looked around
,,Wow nothing has changed while we were gone" she laughed until she saw Paddy her smile immediately dropped. We all knew what was the problem
,,Well.. are you guys gonna introduce me?„ she said happily
,,Oh yes sorry" my Mum apologized ,,No need to apologize Nikki everythings great" she smiled reassuring Mum
,,Well this is-„ before Mum could speak Mia interrupted ,,Im Mia and stay away from my Husband and kids." she told her sternly, i laughed
,,Well uhm i see we have been replaced in everyway possible uh Hazel come on were going back to Nana and Pop's" she said, my eyes widened ,,No Y/n you cant leave she's and absolute nightmare please dont" Dad pleaded
,,Hey uhm you know you guys can come over and see Hazel anytime right? Ill send you the infos when were always here and when not, you can always call aswell" she told us ,,Now uh we have to go Hazel has school tomorrow and it was definitely a mistake coming here excepting well.. them but ill see you guys in a few" she said and smiled at us before she walked out..

Nikki's Pov:

Y/n just walked out like that i can't believe it

,,Mia get out" Paddy ordered
,,What?" she asked in disbelief
,,I said get out" he said more demanding
,,What about the twins" she asked
,,Ok Mia we both know for a fact does are not my kids i know you have been going with my bestfriend so get the FUCK out" he screamed at her
And she didnt even cry she went grabbed the twins and walked out the door.

The End -L💕
I dont know if i should Post this tbh🤷🏼‍♀️

|| •Paddy holland imagines• ||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora