After time leader left them and joined fighting again. They joined a new group of tourists from other planets that wanted to leave the planet and save their lives.

-It is very sad, but still, I can't emphasise with them, still, I can't understand. Why? Why always there have to be sufferings all around the universe. I thought my suffering was greater, I am the saddest person in the universe. But now it seems so tiny, so meaningless. Do I have the right to be sad when others are suffering more than I am? Kyle said to his companions.

Suddenly one old stranger approached them and started to talk.

-Friends, this is life... I have been living almost 3000 galactic years and maybe these will be the last days of my useless existence. I have seen many things in this life and I would like to tell you my opinion about things. This is how things work out, some places look wonderful and some places are demolished. You can't find complete harmony in our universe. It is impossible. Somehow universe is filled with competition. Everyone wants more, wants more than they need. This develops us and at the same time destroys us. So the only thing we can do is keep forward and hope for the best.

War is not a good thing. We all know it, we all agree about it. It is the time when all dreams die, all hopes fade away, all beliefs shatter. Maybe it is the time when you see someone's true nature. This discloses the courageous souls and the most cowards. War isn't just a simple word that can be explained by simple sentences. A person who has never seen real war can't claim that he or she knows what it means.

There is always something positive in something bad and always something negative in something good. It is kinda paradoxical, but we must be rational and see both sides of the coin, that's how we can become more understanding... We all hear how bad war is, but we don't hear good things about this. That's why I will tell you good things about war even though some of you may dislike me for saying this.

War creates opportunities for some people. War changes them, makes them stronger. War shapes their soul and creates sturdy generations. Without war, generations are willing to get weaker and immoral. War unites people. War makes them support each other, war creates strong and trusting nations! War is a bad thing with good and bad consequences... This is the true meaning of real war. War destroys all souls and teaches them lessons. It helps them understand "War" is not a good thing, war is a terrible thing. 

Nevertheless, nothing changes...

All these wars happened in our universe till now. Still, it is as if all those wars didn't teach us anything... Even in these technologically advanced times, we still kill each other, despite the fact that preventing all problems isn't that difficult. We assumed that by communicating, people became more intelligent and capable of solving issues. But nope, this is still the issue. Wars will never end, no matter how long time passes, there will be someone with bloodthirstiness who will start wars in order to satisfy themselves.


Suddenly, their new carriage again has been attacked by an enemy army. There occurred a clash between freedom fighters and the enemy. Our protagonists run inside of a small house nearby. While running Kyle saw the old man's dead body lying on the ground. But he didn't have time for thinking about his words because he was concerned about his life at that time.

Some of the armed soldiers went inside the house. 

-What are we gonna do?! They gonna kill us! Palk worriedly screamed.

-Dudes! It is time! I will focus on my inner self. No matter what do not go outside of your hideout!

-Mac this is bullshit... It is not a time to joke around. We all know that you don't hide any monster inside you!

-I said go and fucking hide somewhere and don't go out till I call you! Macallans screamed with anger that they have never seen.

They hid behind the feeling behind the big iron columns of the house.

Macallan closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths. He was going blank and thinking about nothing, even alcohol and women.

Armed people went inside and pointed laser guns at him

-Hey, idiot tell me where are your friends or are we gonna kill you!

-Just shoot him, others will be around here anyway.

When  Macallan opened his eyes it wasn't him at all. He had dark eyes like a black hole that expressed anger. His sharp teeth grow bigger and his paws were enormous. They started to shoot him, he started to move so fast that non of the lasers were able to hit him. One by one, Macallan was punching them and each blow was taking out either their arms or other body parts. Sometimes he was biting and tearing their bodies with incredible speed. He was like a savage beast as he said before. 

After killing all soldiers he started to punch and break walls. His anger wasn't subsided yet. Suddenly, Fovex found a +18 magazine on the shelves and throw it to the Macallan. At first, Macallan started to punch the magazine but somehow the thing he saw on the magazine calmed him down and he started to grin.

-Mac you are fucking monster! Fovex happily said.

-How do you feel? Do you need anything? Kyle asked.

-Dude, look around the house if there is any alcohol. I am very thirsty.

-You could kill all of them before, why don't you do that? Palk asked.

-Dude, I can only use it once a year it takes all my energy, it is not easy to become this savage at all.

-Fuck! Now we are doomed for sure...


After a time the door opened and the freedom fighters' leader enter the room. He looked at the dead bodies and calmy asked them to follow him. In the end, all of them safely was boarded the ship that was leaving the planet.

Kyle looked from the window at the planet that was in the great war. He wondered about the girl he met there, the leader of freedom fighters and the old man. All of them has something to say about life Each one of them was the main character of their stories. But it is not their story, that's why they have to move forward and continue to find the thing they are looking for... 

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