Penguins Riddle

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It has been a long time since I had first thought of the riddle and I had planned to say it to Ms. Kringle. The stupid crush I had developed while I was working for the GCPD, before everything changed. It was a riddle to be asked to the most important person in my life and to me that is a lover.

I don't even know why I said it then, the words had just flowed out of my mouth, like it was meant to be, but I guess it was the wrong person. Of course it was, he wasn't supposed to hear those words. He stopped me, annoyed and angry. A part of me was disappointed-I don't know why, because this riddle was meant for a lover not him.

Yet again, the words. My riddle being repeated once again, but by another.

"I can't be bought, but I can be stolen with one glance. I'm worthless to one, priceless to two... Love."

I remembered my heart warming when the words passed though his lips. The words formed in his throat like they had been repeated and repeated over and over again. Confusion was something I felt a lot around him and it was something I felt then as I felt a foreign feeling come rushing though my body. It was a feeling I had felt once before. I had push the unnamed feeling down, as I had looked down, though my glasses at my closest friend. The friend who has always been by my side.

Thinking back now, years after, even though we haven't talked in years, I can still hear those words. They repeat in my head over and over like lyrics to a song. I hear his voice ringing in my ears. His voice always was caring when he had spoke to me. Yet now when I think of him, all I feel is hatred and a little bit of sadness.

'There was a time Oswald where I would have done anything for you'

But there is something else buried deep down inside, a feeling of happiness and.. love. Somewhere in the heart of the riddler, loves a short small penguin and it always has. Since the day that he met him. To even now. Love could have happened, but the timing of the two was like a clock ticking backwards. Like they say 'right person, wrong time.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2022 ⏰

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