I pay the bill and pull James to a table in the food court so we can sit down.

- Daniel why do you keep pulling me all the time? *speaks a little annoyed* (James)- Not at all... It's just a habit I have... But James, can I call you GD? (Daniel)

- GD? *confused question* (James)

- It's because the first time we met you reminded me of a dragon with your aura and as scary as you looked, you still seemed like a good person. That's why GD, because it's "Great Dragon" (Daniel)

- This is kind of weird, but do what you want *shrugs* (James)

- Okay GD *smiles* (Daniel)

Pov nobody:

Daniel starts looking to the side of a boy who appeared to be facing a boy who appeared to be facing the other way, Daniel shopping and across the floor with the boy James will look his way

- Hey boy, are you okay? *worried* (Daniel)

- Buzz~? *look up* (...)

- You need help? (Daniel)

- ... (...)

- I'll think of your silence as a yes *smiles* (Daniel)

Daniel takes the boy to a bench nearby and he sits on the bench, Daniel takes the boy looks very hurt and with that he thinks about medicine and food, he just doesn't notice the hungry boy

- Wait for me here, I'll buy medicine and food for you (Daniel)

- Okay *looks down shyly* (...)

Daniel heads towards a drugstore and finds Crystal, Gun and Goo on the way.

- Danny, why are you alone? And where's James? *discovered question* (Crystal)

- He must be at the food court and I'm going to buy medicine and food *speaks with indifference* (Daniel)

- Are you okay? Are you feeling sick? (Crystal)

- It's not for me, but for a boy who was half unconscious and bruised on the floor (Daniel)

-Danny! You can't help just anyone, what if he's a bad person? *speaks annoyed* (Crystal)

- But Noona, he looks about my age, so he wouldn't hurt me *speaks innocently* (Daniel)

"I don't know if this kid is very innocent or very stupid, but it makes me want to protect this little creature from this world. Wait! What am I thinking?" (Gun and Goo)

- Ok trust anyone just because they are safe a child not child *would be* (Crsytal)

- I understand, but let's go because I think he's getting tired of waiting (Daniel)

Crystal and Goo buy the medicine, while Daniel and Gun buy some food and drinks. On the way to find the boy, they came across a panting James coming towards them.

- Daniel... *gasps* ... You can't run away like that! *gasps* What would I do if you got hurt, you worried me *gasps and worried* (James)

- I am fine! And I'm going to get some stuff for a boy I just met! *speaks excitedly* (Daniel)

- Boy who just walked in? *confused question* (James)

- Yea! But let's go, he must be waiting *starts to run* (Daniel)

- Wait Danny! (Crystal)

Arriving at the place where the boy was, Daniel hands him the bag with the food and begins to tend to his wounds.

- My name is Daniel and yours? (Daniel)

- J-johan... *shy* (Johan)

- Nice to meet you Johan *smiles* (Daniel)

- P-pleasure is mine *smiles minimally* (Johan)

When Daniel finishes tending to his wounds and asks Johan to eat the things he had bought, 

four people appear behind him.

- Danny I said you can't run away like that *speaks annoyed* (Crystal)

- I know Noona, but I couldn't leave Johan waiting here alone any longer. And before I forget, this is Johan the boy who was talking before (Daniel)

- How rude of me, I'm Crystal and the other three are James, Gun and Goo (Crystal)

The three that are mentioned just nod their heads, getting a serious look around the three young people.

- N-nice to meet you *shy* (Johan)

- Right, but skipping the introductions... Why were you lying on the floor? (Daniel)

- Well... It was because of a fight I got into... No big deal *smiles* (Johan)

- So you fight? Can I fight you? *speaks excitedly* (Daniel)

- Maybe later Danny, we have to go (Crystal)

- But before that, can I walk with Johan? (Daniel)'

- Okay, but don't go too far (Crystal)

Daniel pulls Johan by the hand and takes him to several stores, until Daniel bumps into an old man.

- Watch where you're going, brat! *annoyed* (Unknown)

- I'm sorry sir! Let's go Johan! (Daniel)

- Aren't you going to get away with that quick? (Unknown)

The stranger goes for the two, but he couldn't hit either of them. As Daniel pawns himself, the unknown attempts to land a blow on Daniel, but is stopped when Johan kicks him in the stomach.

- You bastard brat! You will pay! (Unknown)

- Daniel be careful! (Johan)

But before the stranger can do anything, he is immobilized by Gun.

- Danny are you okay? (Crystal)

- Yes, thanks to Johan (Daniel)

- Thanks Johan for protecting Danny, and you *looks into the unknown* I'll make sure you never see the sunlight again after trying to hurt Danny *speaks coldly* Gun, erase him and we'll take him to "that" place *smirks* (Crystal)

-Ok Crystal *seriously* (Weapon)

After erasing the unknown, Gun sends someone to take him to the location designated by Crystal.

- It's getting late, I'm going... Bye Daniel! *waves* (Johan)

-Bye Johan! Noona... I'm not feeling very well... (Daniel)

Before any of the four could, Daniel passed out and fell to the ground.

- Danny!!!

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