Noodle x sad! non binary ❤

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Ok so I have been rlly sad so take a meme and also I hope your doing ok! ⚠ depression, bad self talk, sad times, cursing
Phase 4

"What if I'm not a good S/O.? "

Damn it. It started again. Youd look in your mirror and stare, and stare, and stare. What's there to like about you? You feel ugly just looking at your self. You thought you were fat, ugly, disgusting even. That's before you meant noodle

They would give off a beam of hope, happiness always in Their eyes. It made you warm inside. To know someone loves you.

The first time you talked about it to Noodle they almost cried, they had the same thoughts. You had a list of tr!gger warnings you wrote down.

It was hard to explain to the band about your depression but eventually they understood. Sometimes noodle gets sad too, sometimes even depressed. They always pull you (or Katsu) into their lap to make them happy.

2D does not understand at all so you and Noodle have to talk to him like a baby for him to understand.

Murdoc is just to stupid to understand what 1 + 1 is like. 😟🤚. He licked your hand and pooped out rainbows before flying away on the el Diablo LMAO-

Russel gets it and helps you, he says he doesn't want to give chocolates to you in a romantic way he just wants you to feel happy. You and noodle share the chocolate and it's gone in no time. Katsu is always ready for a good hug. Or squeezing just be careful.

Noodle reassures you your beautiful and pretty and handsome it doesn't matter to them as long as your happy, their happy. Noodle will talk about her past time to time, they go into detail about before they were shipped, or at least what they remember. They will hold you close and tell you how amazing you are and how much you matter to them.

Noodle loves you a lot and they wouldn't know what to do without you so please tell them how much you appreciate them.

Ok so I'm pretty tired, it's 12 were I am (it's am not pm lolz) so ye
3 7 8 words

Gorillaz oneshots! Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ