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The door opened and my sister and her friends; Caroline, Matt and Tyler entered the house. I rushed towards Elena. "Oh sweetheart, are you ok?" I gushed over her, Jeremy had found her collapsed outside our house and had rushed her to the hospital earlier. "I'm fine Cassie, I just want something to eat." She told me as Caroline led her towards the couch. "We're on it. As soon as we make sure that no one's lurking in the cosets" Tyler replied. "I have been home this entire time, I assure you no one else is here." I told him, but he simply gave me a judgemental look that clearly said 'like we can trust you'. "Look Tyler, I know you are wary of me because of my former friendship with Klaus, but trust me. Nothing comes before my family." He simply nodded before walking off. 

I made my way over to Elena and Caroline who sat on the couch. "Can I get you some tea? Some vodka? Both will help you sleep." I laughed at Caroline. "You're not giving her vodka Caroline! Now, El are you comfortable here or do you want to go to your room instead?" I asked her. Elena smiled at Caroline and I. "Thank you, both. It's so nice to see that you care." I gave her a careful hug, before getting up. "Of course El, you're my sister. Now I'm getting you a jumper, you look cold." 

As I walked away I heard Caroline whisper to Elena. "I'm thinking maybe tea with vodka" I rolled my eyes. "I heard that Caroline!" The two girls behind me burst out laughing. 

Apparently, my sister owns no comfy jumpers, so I fished out one of my own for her to wear. My second favourite one, of course, and with the jumper in hand, I made my way downstairs only to be stopped by the presence of a familiar face. 


"Hello again, Cassandra" 

Suddenly the guilt for what I let happen to Nik flooded through me, but I kept it hidden. I hurried down the stairs and gave him tight hug. "I'm so sorry Elijah" I mumbled, referring to Nik. Awkwardly, he patted my head taken aback by the sign of affection. "You are not to blame, I assure you, Cassandra." 

"Well then, I assume you've heard of our little problem?" Stefan questioned, sauntering towards Elijah as we separated. "Indeed, Alaric must be dealt with," Elijah responded. We all walked towards the living room, taking a seat. 

"We can't kill him" Elena began. "It's impossible unless I die. Esther tied Ric's life to my own." She explained to Elijah. "And no one will be killing my sister," I added, sternly before he got any ideas. "Of course not," Elijah responded, glancing at Elena, then myself. 

"All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, and the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the earth and Alaric will follow us." Elijah explained to the group. "And you'll just run?" Stefan questioned. "We've done it before. Klaus and Rebekha spent the better part of 1000 years evading my father. What's another half-century while Elena's able to live out the rest of her natural life?" I couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for the Mikaelson family, they spent so long running and not a moment after they no longer need to another threat arises. 

"We finally stopped him, Elijah. after everything that he's done to us, I can't just let you bring him back," Elena told him. I frowned, I didn't want Nik anywhere near my sister, but surely she couldn't keep him locked up and separated from his family forever. "I give you my word, Elena. I will not revive Klaus within yours, nor even within your children's lifetimes. Perhaps it'll teach him some manners." Elijah explained to her, it was fair. But I couldn't help that feeling of sadness of not seeing Nik ever again, despite all he's done.

"Why should she trust you? All you've done is screw her over" Mat questioned Elijah. Huh, I forget he was here. "And for that, I'm deeply ashamed. But know this. She could've been dead the instant I walked through that door tonight. So, Elena, I leave it to you to make the decision whether to trust me or not."  

From Stefan's phone, Damon's voice could be heard. "Not. Hello? Did that concussion give you brain damage? His lunatic siblings will kill you the first chance they get!" I rolled my eyes. "No, they wouldn't," I said quietly, though no one acknowledged my words. "Rebekah and Kol will honour the terms. if you return Klaus's body to us, Elena will come to no harm. Do we have a deal?" Elijah spoke calmly while Damon the opposite of calm responded over the phone. "No! No, no, no. Did I mention no?" Ignoring Damon, Stefan said."Elena, it's up to you." 

"Oh, come on!" Damon yelled over the phone and I finally had enough. "Ok that's enough of Damon's input for tonight" I exclaimed grabbing the phone. "Cassandra! Don't you dare hang up on m-" I hung up the phone. "Elena doesn't allow anyone's opinions to sway your own. It's your life that is on the line based on your choice." 

Elena nodded at me with a smile before turning to Elijah. "Why do you want Klaus's body?" Sometimes I wonder what goes on inside her head, she should know how important family is. "He's my brother. We remain together." Elena sighed, her final decision made. "We have a deal" 


I was sitting on the porch wrapped in a blanket, trying to process all that had happened these past few days. A single question echoed back in forth in my mind. Should I stay or should I go?

Elijah came outside and sat beside me. "Hi" I whispered hugging my blanket close. "How are you, Cassandra? Truly." Elijah asked me in a genuine tone. "I don't know" I mumbled. "I think you do know, you're just afraid to let anyone else know. Yes?" I sighed, "Why are you so wise?" I asked with a slight smile. "Years and years of existence and experience, my dear." He told me. "If it would help, allow me to bear your thoughts. I will simply listen if that is all you wish." 

I thought about it for a moment, I needed to talk to someone. "I'm just... I'm just so tired of it all. I feel like my whole life has revolved around other people. I was always doing what I knew would please my parents, then I was trying to always do what my friend Hanna liked and then I came back here to look after my siblings and I'm just now realising that I've hardly done anything, really for my self. And I know it is entirely selfish but I want to get out of mystic falls, I want to get away from all this supernatural nonsense, I want to do something for myself for once. I just don't know if I can bring myself to go through with it, I can't abandon my family." 

"Would you care to hear my thoughts on the matter?" Elijah asked, and I nodded. "You are not being selfish for wanting to leave mystic falls Cassandra and you wouldn't be abandoning your family if you left to start your own life. I know that Elena, nor Jeremy would hold you back from leaving if you simply told them how you felt. I believe that you should take a chance and begin your own life away from Mystic Falls if that is what you truly want." Elijah shared and I knew he was right. "Thank you, Elijah." 

I stood up, prepared to retire for the night and think things over. "What of Niklaus?" Elijah questioned as I reached the door. "He... He is, was my best friend, but he tried to kill my sister and he didn't even care. I just... I don't know Elijah. I don't know anymore." And with that, I walked away. 

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