Friendship & Family

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"Ah, hello love." Nik the stupid hybrid greeted me as if I hadn't just burst into his stupid home and yelled "you betrayed me!" in his stupid face! 

"How can I help you?" He asked dismissing one of his hybrid minions away. Bye Bob!

"How can you help me? Hmm let me think...." I trailed off. "Maybe you can buy me a pony or wait... MAYBE YOU CAN EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU HAD MY BROTHER ALMOST KILLED TODAY!" 

"Oh. That." 

"Oh? YES THAT. I'm not sure if you've ever had a best friend friend before but if you didn't know, if you want to keep them you don't go around attempting to murder their freaking siblings!" I was beyond furious and hurt by his actions. 

"Look Cassandra, forgive me but your young Jeremy was simply collateral damage besides its not like he got hit." 

"No he didn't and I am so glad for that, but you know who got hit instead? Alaric. He ran in front of the car and pushed Jeremy away and died, I do not care that he will come back. He still died. That man has died to many times and it cannot be good for his health." Ric was a good friend to me and looked out for my siblings when I couldn't, I trusted him greatly. 

"Yes well, he should be alive and well now shouldn't he. No harm has been done." Nik dismissed, as if he was worth nothing to him. I suppose he didn't, all humans are just collateral damage to him are they not?

"What if it was I who pushed Jeremy out of the way and died? Then what Nik?" I asked, nervous for the answer. 

"But you didn't."

"But I could have."

"But you didn't"

"But I could have!" 

"BUT YOU DIDN'T! Ok Cassandra, you didn't do that and you are standing here in front of me without a scratch on you. You did not die then and you will not die in result of my actions. Ever."  

"I don't care that it didn't happen Nik. I care about what would have happened if I did get hit." 

"I wouldn't have let you die Cassie. I care for you more than I have about a human than I have in a very very long time. I am sorry that I had to use your brother in my plans but I had no choice, I need my family back." 

I blinked. "I'm sorry? Get your family back? What do you mean?" I asked, entirely confused though I was touched by his former sentiments. "So your family haven't filled you in, have they? Well see after I gave Stefan his sought after freedom, he decided to betray me by stealing my family from me. Now I need them back." Wait, so this morning when he was accusing me of betraying him, he was actually acting out on the feelings of betrayal caused by Stefan's actions. 

"I'm so sorry, he has taken your family from you Niklaus and I will be here to help you in anyway I can but I need you to keep my family from being hurt. I know how much you love yours so understand how much I love mine." I explained to Nik and I ment it. 

"I understand, I assure you that from here on out I will refrained from causing harm to your family with the exception of Elena's occasional donation of blood to my cause as long as your provide me with the help I need." I wish that Elena didn't have to do that but I know, he cannot be stopped and as long as he doesn't kill my little sister I suppose this promise will do. "I think I can live with that, thank you Nik. But know that if you hurt them, I come for you." I told him, he gave me a soft smile chuckling at my small threat. 

"Whatever it takes to keep your friendship."  

Hello beautiful people! 

Humans are ew, but I'm sure none of you are human right? 

Yes? Good.

I'm currently in class but decided to give you all a quick update - while my teacher is going on about pollution and nitrous oxide and catalytic converters???

I'm really glad you are all reading my terrible attempt at a Klaus Mikaelson Fanfic and hope you are enjoying! 

Do you like Nik and Cassie's friendship? 

Keep an eye out for new updates! 

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