꧁The Entertainment district pt2꧂

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The man was way taller when I was lifted up and put on his shoulder facing away from the others. The girls, Kanao, Aoi, Kiyo and Sumi, showed a lot of resistance to try prevent me and Naho being taken away but I didn't really care.

"Should I remind you of your orders, Lady Kanao?" The man asked her sarcastically. She didn't say a word.

And just when I had thought things couldn't get worse, everything good even worse than worse.

"Hey!" A voice called from the gate leading out.  "How dare you treat little girls like that?!"

We all turned towards the open entrance of the Mansion and saw Tanjiro stood there in confusion. He obviously couldn't tell if he was imagining things or this was real.

The girls stayed quiet before yelling again. "Tanjiro! He is trying to steal Miss (Y/n) and Naho!" Sumi pointed at the man.

"Will you shut up you little punk?!" He yelled at her harshly.

"Let go of them!" Tanjiro jumped into the air, attempting to head-butt this guy but failed miserably as the man swiftly got away and landed on a near by column.

The rest of the girls, and Tanjiro, who were swarming around him were launched into the air and landed on the ground.

"Are you okay?!" Tanjiro asked.

"It looks like it!" Aoi looked around to make sure everyone was alright.

"You fool."

It shocked me because of how fast he moved and I didn't even see him move a muscle. That grabbed my full attention and I wasn't even tired anymore. Who exactly was this guy?

"I'm Lord Uzui Tengen."

"Who do we have here?" A man with grey hair and a sleeveless top asked.

Uzui Tengen
Sound Hashira
-The flashiest Hashira
Age: 23

"Oh yeah. No wonder this guy is so fast." I said to myself as I rolled my eyes. "Great - a Hashira."

"I'm also a former shinobi." He carried on. "A flashy man around these parts. Did you really think your pissant head-butts could affect me?"

I wondered what Tanjiro would reply with; one wrong word and he would be as good as dead. He didn't seem to give up though.

"Let (Y/n) and Naho go you lousy kidnapper!"

The others cheered Tanjiro on. "Exactly! Let them go!"

"What exactly do you think you're doing?!"


"Oi!" Uzui snapped and the girls - and boy. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?! I'm your superior! A Hashira! Worship me!"

"We will not acknowledge you as a Hashira!" Tanjiro puffed up his cheeks. It was quite awkward to be honest.

"I don't care if you don't acknowledge me at all, you bottom-feeder! Has your brain drifted away?"

"Eh." I mumbled.

"I'm taking these two because I need two female corps members for a damn mission! I don't need any permission from anyone to take anyone who is a tsukugo. And this one looks a little strong."

꧁Dᴀɴᴄɪɴɢ Wɪᴛʜ Tʜᴇ Sᴛᴀʀs꧂ (Demon Slayer x reader) || DISCONTINUED ☹️Where stories live. Discover now