Chapter 96

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Chapter 96 Investigating must be the first

    When Ji Mianzhu and Jiang Lian were flirting with a box of ointment with the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, there was a thick cloud outside. Gu Wei and the two with a solemn expression.

    In order to prevent the site from being damaged, some people fished in troubled waters. Before the doctor came, Wei Yunkuan had already let the surrounding staff leave, leaving a small open space in the center. The iron hook smashed the mud into a small pit that was neither deep nor shallow, showing how dangerous what had just happened was.

    Although Wei Yunkuan and Gu Ren usually don't match each other, they have a strange tacit understanding in dealing with this kind of thing. One went to check on Wei Ya based on his rich acting experience, and the other went to interrogate the staff and look for clues. Gao Daozhe followed behind the two of them, sweating on his forehead anxiously. He also knew in his heart that there was a problem with the equipment, and it had something to do with the personnel managing the equipment, so he hurriedly asked the people in the crew who touched it today. Via Via.

    In the end, I found a young man. He just came to the crew for a few days, and his face was very green. When he saw so many big people standing in front of him, he would not say anything nervous, not to mention that he had a faint back on his back. Responsibility for unfavorable work and almost a life-threatening accident.

    "Gao, Gao Dao, I checked beforehand, really, things are normal! I checked it again before Mr. Ji used it!"

    Gao Dao wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. The explanation couldn't be heard, and he just asked sternly, full of thoughts on how he would explain to his friends when the two of them had an accident with him, so his voice became more and more severe: "Ah? After checking beforehand, what happened? How can things fall off normally?" The young man opened his mouth, dumbfounded and speechless, and almost burst into tears. At this time, Gu Ren, who had finished the examination, also came over, his handsome and mature face lost its charm. The smile is now only serious. He briefly exchanged glances with Wei Yunkuan, and then simply said to Dao Dao: "I have seen it, and the wire rope is loose." The

    loose wire rope shows that the person in charge of the equipment is not doing well. After all, under normal circumstances , it is impossible to loosen at all.

    Hearing this, the young man was dumbfounded. He never imagined that the things he had already inspected could still be loosened, so his face became even paler.

    Director Gao was also angry, angry that such a thing could still happen in his crew, and even more angry that he didn't find out at all, so he took the young man to the house, ready to explain the matter clearly. As for President Ji, what did they do? It's not up to you to deal with this person.

    However, before he could speak, he was stopped by Wei Yunkuan.

    The lazy smile on Wei Yunkuan's face also disappeared, and when his pale pupils stared at people, there seemed to be an insight into everything, which made people feel cold and scared. He thought for a while, then asked the young man who was shaking under his stare, "Has anyone else touched this other than you?"

    He glanced at the young man with a green face, and said with certainty, "You should be a newcomer. It won't be long, how about the old staff?"

    Gao Dao was stunned for a moment, and looked down as if reminded, with an ugly face.

    The young man opened his mouth immediately when he heard the words, and his voice was excited: "Yes, yes! I'm new here!" He repeated it several times, and when he saw that his mouth was so stupid that everyone present frowned at him, he took a deep breath. He took a sip, tried his best to calm down, thought slowly and said, "My name is Xiao Li, I just came here to work recently, and I usually carry equipment and other tasks. Weiya was only in charge of it yesterday. Excited, and I have learned all kinds of common sense very seriously..."

Paranoid president, he is inappropriate [wearing books](BL) (MTL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن