Chapter 56

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Chapter 56 The Final Winner

    Li Changshuo stood still on the stage, his sharp eyes swept around quickly, and at a glance he saw his good nephew, who was still upstairs, was sitting next to him with a contented expression, and he couldn't help but pause. After a while, his face became complicated, as if he was choked on dog food.

    However, the media's camera was still staring at him, Li Changshuo immediately returned to his senses, adjusted his mood a little, and then opened his mouth in a decent manner:

    "We have already seen your situation and plans, and we have a general idea in our hearts, I believe you will also We are all looking forward to the final partner of Que Xing."

    After speaking, Li Changshuo smiled slightly.

    Hearing his words, the various forces coming from below couldn't help but hold their breath. Some emotions are exposed, and they have already shown an impatient expression, clenching their hands, staring at this side without blinking, nostrils twitching and breathing rapidly, and even sweat dripping down nervously on the forehead. Although some still maintain some restraint and calmness, they involuntarily show small movements, which are expressions of tension.

    Li Changshuo on stage calmly took all this into his eyes, he couldn't help showing a mysterious smile again, turned his head around, and sold off a little.

    "Everyone knows that the headquarters of Tempering Star is abroad, and it has been developing abroad in recent years, and is not familiar with the specific situation in China. If you are not familiar with life, no matter how strong your ability is, all aspects will be greatly reduced, so Tempering Star is talented. An excellent partner is needed to provide some help to Quxing Xing in this regard, which is what Que Xing hopes the partner can provide."

    "Of course, Que Xing will not treat the partner badly, and we will cooperate with the partner accordingly. Sharing some unique technologies of quenching stars, I believe everyone should know something."

    Li Changshuo spoke slowly and explained his words clearly, his eyes fell down, and he saw the reactions of everyone clearly.

    Although the people below were dissatisfied with his appetite, but since the quenching star had the final say here, and the final candidate has not been announced, they still endured it, so that the sweat drops on their foreheads rolled down.

    The media is still working hard. They don't care who the final candidate is. What they care about is whether today's topic is hot enough and whether it can attract enough people's attention. These are enough. Therefore, the cameras in their hands switched back and forth between Li Changshuo and everyone present, faithfully recording his words and everyone's reactions, looking forward to detonating a topic.

    At a time when everyone was watching, a member of Quxing Xing took the stage and handed Li Changshuo a note, and the media's camera immediately followed, not even letting go of the subtle expressions of the two of them.

    Li Changshuo looked down and looked up after the insider of Quenching Star left, crumpled the note in his hand, and showed a sincere smile.

    "Now after internal discussions, the final result has come out."

    He deliberately paused, raised the tension of the people below to the highest point, and then raised the microphone again.

    Originally, Ji Mianzhu was still staring at the stage attentively, waiting nervously for Li Changshuo to announce the final collaboration partner. However, the hand that was tightly clasped by Jiang Lian suddenly felt strange, and the sensitive palm was caught off guard. It was scratched by Jiang Lian's fingertips, as if being brushed by a feather, and there was a tingling.

Paranoid president, he is inappropriate [wearing books](BL) (MTL)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang