Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 The Arrogant and Domineering Young Master Jiang

    After Ji Mianzhu explained the business, he walked out of the study in a relaxed manner. When he saw Jiang Lian standing not far away, he walked over with a smile.

    It was just that the footsteps had just started, and there was a rush of bells coming from Jiang Lian who was not far away, and Ji Mianzhu's footsteps stopped thoughtfully.

    The bell rang for a while, which was annoying. Jiang Lian looked at Jiang Ye displayed on the screen of his mobile phone, and a look of disgust flashed in his dark eyes uncontrollably. His fingers were hanging on the red hang up, but when he saw a figure not far away, he changed his mind and opened the green answer.

    "Hello?" Jiang Lian's tone was light.

    "Alian, how are you getting along with President Ji?"

    Jiang Ye's tone was very concerned, it sounded like an ordinary father caring for his son. But his speech rate was a little too hasty, a little abnormally earnest, Jiang Lian's brows couldn't help frowning.

    "That's it."

    Jiang Lian's reply was short and emotionless.

    "What did your child say? Give you a face..." Without hearing the answer he wanted, Jiang Ye's tone instantly became irritable, and the swear words came to his mouth. A mockery flashed in Jiang Lian's eyes, and he listened silently to the turmoil, as if his mobile phone was in a fight, and then a female voice sounded: "A Lian, don't be angry, your father cares too much about you... .." The sarcasm in Jiang Lian's eyes deepened, and he didn't say a word, letting the female voice over there pretend to say words of concern.

    But for a moment, the woman's voice subsided, and Jiang Ye went online again. The other party seemed to be dissuaded from the idea. Thinking of some kind of benefit, he swallowed the swear words that had already reached his lips, adjusted his mood, and said earnestly to the phone again:

    "A Lian, President Ji is so interested in you, you You should also think about our family, don't patronize yourself..." The

    other party was greedy inside and out, Jiang Lian's face was expressionless, and his patience was about to run out. But thinking of someone not far away, he still took a deep breath, suppressed the disgust in his heart, and spoke again:

    "Father, President Ji is very good to me, but what does this have to do with you?" Jiang Lian glanced at Ji Mianzhu secretly and turned up the volume a little. Seeing that the other party frowned as he thought, he couldn't help but feel relieved, and even calling the man's father on the opposite side was not so bad. "I advise my father not to make this idea, and focus on business."     He ignored the man's scolding and hung up the phone neatly. After turning around, Jiang Lian, who knew Ji Mianzhu was nearby, couldn't help but pretend to be surprised.     "...Mr. Ji?"     Ji Mianzhu pursed his lips and nodded. Although he didn't say anything on the surface, his heart was already agitated.     Judging from Jiang Lian's few words just now, the person who called should be his arrogant father, Jiang Ye, the head of the Jiang family. In the original book, his own son Jiang Lian was ignored, and he even sold him to the original owner of the villain, just to exchange some money to fill the hole in the Jiang family.     Remembering the deep meaning of Jiang Lian's words just now, Ji Mianzhu's eyes flashed with anger.     Now he is still licking his face and asking Jiang Lian for a favor?     Is it human?     In an instant, Jiang Lian's stubborn and forbearing expression of being bullied and scalded during the day broke into Ji Mianzhu's mind, making him feel a little more distressed in his anger.     In just a moment, Ji Mianzhu made a decision.     He wants to take Jiang Lian back to Jiang's house.     With him around, see who dares to bully Little Poor!     Jiang Lian noticed the insignificant change in Ji Mianzhu's expression, and could not help but slightly bent his eyes.     He really understands.     This smile was fleeting, and soon those eyes returned to their cold look.     Early the next morning, Ji Mianzhu sent a message to Secretary Song, explaining that he was not going to the company for the time being today, and that he had more important things to do. After Ji Mianzhu finished editing the text, a sense of pride and lofty aspirations arose in his chest. He wanted to take the poor Jiang Lianji back to the Jiang family and show the couple some color!

Paranoid president, he is inappropriate [wearing books](BL) (MTL)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن