Jiang Lian's voice was low and deep, and a little soft, like a ferocious beast with sharp minions, willing to become clingy.

    "I'll listen to you."

    Ji Mianzhu's smile widened, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

    Poor little one is so nice, so obedient.

    Just like that.

    He squinted his phoenix eyes with a smile, and the end of his eyes became more and more upturned, and the hearts of the people present moved slightly, but he couldn't help but raise a bit of jealousy, which was the source of this smile. They calmly set their eyes on Jiang Lian, who was taciturn but moved Ji Mianzhu when he spoke. This is a formidable opponent.

    Jiang Lian lowered his eyes, rolled his fingers slightly, and blocked all these temptations. His face was not leaking, and it was difficult to understand his thoughts.

    At this moment, Ji Mianzhu made a final decision.

    "Okay, let's go now!"

    He stood up first.

    When the others saw this, they also got up.

    A group of people walked to the door.

    The gym that Wei Yunkuan proposed happened to be Ji Mianzhu's favorite, because the venue was large and full of facilities, and it happened to be very close to this place, so it was the best of both worlds.

    The most important thing is that Ji Mianzhu found out that he had a VIP card there, so he did some research and had the most comprehensive knowledge of the information there.

    He has the confidence to make the audience happy.

    Thinking of this, Ji Mianzhu explained Song Yan's follow-up work on his mobile phone, then raised his head and chatted with these people. Anyway, the gym is not far away, it's just a few steps away, and there's no need to drive there. Anyway, walking can shorten the distance between each other. It should be meaningful to these few people who don't know why.

    Seemingly aware of Ji Mianzhu's thoughts, Ji Chaole jumped over and took the first place beside his brother. He hugged Ji Mianzhu's arm and kept chatting:

    "Brother, I haven't worked out with my brother when I grew up, but I used to play together when I was a child. Do you remember, brother, you disliked me so much at that time, but you still didn't refuse me to come over every day, it's super cute !"

    His voice was like the rushing light rain in summer, ding ding dong dong warm and humid, and Ji Mianzhu couldn't help but flicked his fingers on Ji Chaole's forehead.

    "No one said that brother is cute, neither big nor small."

    Ji Chaole immediately acted like a spoiled child.

    "It's cute as long as it's cute, and my heart is different!"

    Hearing the conversation between the two, the expressions of the people in the back changed slightly. Jiang Lian rolled over his fingertips, a stern look flashed in his black eyes, and stared at Ji Chaole's unruly hand, and the suffocating energy all over his body faintly emerged. Before he had time to move, he saw Wei Yunkuan, who was a few steps away, had already stepped up to catch up, looking furious.

    Jiang Lian immediately stopped his move to step forward and fell silent again.

    Gu Ren next to him noticed this and was thoughtful.

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