The criminal clown then spoke again, "Then, why is it she couldn't save you?"

That one question was all it took to get Jason to stop talking. He closed his eyes tightly and just bowed his head in slight shame. He couldn't think of anything to say... because, whether he wanted to admit it or not, I had failed... Because I couldn't do the one thing that one friend would do if the other was in danger... save them from potential harm... or worse...

All he could get out was a quiet and weak, "Screw you..."

"Well, if you're so certain in her strength, then perhaps... we should test it and see how long she can truly last..." Joker then began to back out of the room towards the stairs to leave, his sadistic grin widening as he did.

Jason's eyes opened widely as panic flooded his exhausted body, spiking his fear. He then started to shake his head profusely and, with the same urgence, tried to break out of his restraints. But, all that did was snap the weakened rope and send him trembling to the floor. After a moment to catch whatever breath was knocked from his lungs, he tried using whatever arm strength he had to crawl over slowly to his tormentor. He then spoke again as the Clown Prince of Crime ascended the stairs with rampant anticipation. That's when Jason's voice grew louder until he was screaming at the top of his lungs with tears in his blue eyes, "No, no, no... No, NO! ERICA!"

Then, the yell of my younger self from upstairs...



My eyes shot open and my body lunged upward, adrenaline rushing through the passageways of my veins. My dark brown hair and olive skin was damp with sweat, both from the heat of my room and the intensity of my dream. Tears stained my cheeks due to the painful reminder of what happened in the past. All of my mistakes, all of my doubts and all of the promises I couldn't keep to myself and Jason. They say that intentional betrayal hurts like a knife in the back... but betrayal by incapability probably hurts like a flaming and poisoned arrow through the heart...

Now unable to close my eyes to mope or sleep for another hour or thirty minutes, I got up and out of my bed. The smooth and polished floor of the refurbished studio apartment was cold against my feet. Opening the door to my bedroom, I entered the conjoined dining room and kitchen. I trudged over to the coffee pot, in desperate need of a dose of caffeine. As I did, I reached my hands onto my hips and proceeded to crack the stiffness out of my back. I then felt a slight itch between my shoulder blades, irritating my skin and my back.

However, as I moved my hand to the source of the aggravation, I realized why I never looked or even touched my upper back. Raised rough lines and scored skin was all I could feel, littering my back. The itch from before slowly melted away as memories began rushing back to me.

'I'll kill you...'

'Oh, I'd like to see you try, my dear..."

Before I was swept away by a tidal current of anxiety and depression, I managed to come back to reality. I continued my trek over to the coffee pot, booting it up and waiting for the caffeinated beverage to brew. As the machine roared, I grabbed a mug from one of the cabinets, along with the caramel creamer and sweetener I used every morning. I started rubbing the drowsiness from my eyes as a way to stay awake a few minutes longer without coffee. How young and matured adults do this on a regular basis, I still have no idea. But, God, was it tedious and frustrating... especially when your anxiety is kicking you in the ass and not your half-asleep brain.

A loud beeping jolted my attention back to the fresh pot of coffee. Groggily grabbing it, I carefully poured the drink into the cup before placing the pot back into its place. I then took a few moments to add the cream and sugar to it and stir it around. The gradual shift from a near shade of black to light brown always managed to mesmerize me somehow. It almost distracted me from the fact that I was still so tired... Until a yawn pushed its way out of my mouth. In a moment of much needed relief, I brought the mug to my lips and took a small sip to avoid burning my tongue. The caffeine was immediately pushed into my veins and into every part of my body.

Batman: Arkham Echo (Joker's Daughter AU! OC Arkhamverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now