Erica Profile (Joker's Daughter AU)

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Name: Erica Ronda Davis

Nicknames: Eri (by Jason Todd/Robin), E (by Jason Todd/Robin, Dick Grayson and Loren Fitzgerald), Ronda (by Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake and Kiera Demetri Thorn), Davis (By Commissioner James Gordon and Lillian Bruno)

Alias: The Clown's Daughter (formerly), Sparrow

Age: 10-11 (Arkham Origins), 15-16 (Meeting Jason to escaping Arkham Asylum), 17 (Start of the story) to 20-21 (End of the story)

Birthday: January 23

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Birthstone: Garnet

Appearance: Short Wavy Medium Brown Hair with Dyed-over Blonde Highlights, Dark Brown Eyes, 5'8 feet, Born Chinese-Portuguese-American, Caucasian skin and Athletic and Slender Frame

Current Residence: Undisclosed apartment building

Family: Dr. Steven Michael Davis (biological father; deceased), Mrs. Sarah Riley Davis (biological mother; deceased), Brady Martin Davis (biological older brother; deceased), Joker (adopted father; formerly), Harley Quinn (mother figure; formerly)

Friends: Kiera Demetri Thorn/Bewitcher, Loren Fitzgerald/Dragoness, Lillian Bruno/Nymph, and Jason Todd/Robin (best friend and crush; Deceased)

Occupation(s): Grocery store front-end supervisor, Part-Time Music Gig, Vigilante (as Sparrow)

Outfits: Primarily wears leather jackets or long cardigans, t-shirts, ripped jeans, leather pants or shorts with leggings underneath, and short-heeled boots or high tops

Vigilante Costume: ~Sparrow~ White and silver armored and hooded suit, white feather-like domino mask, tall white and brown boots, brown leather vest and utility belt

Powers/Abilities: Avid Fighter in Karate, Street Fighting, Martial Arts, Electronic Repair and Building, Expert Hacker/Programmer, Military Phonetics, Auto Repair, Avid Weapon User (both Military and Martial Arts), Spy/Misdirection Tactics, First-Aid/Medicine and Strategist

Weapons: Portable Bostaff/Double-sided Scythe (only in Arkhamverse), Hand Gun, Tranquilizer gun with Feathered Darts (some containing homemade sedative, Moonbeam)

Personality: Clever, Intelligent, Quick-witted, Kind, Quiet, Honest, Protective of her friends, Mature, Independent, Loyal, Brash, Sassy, Headstrong, Curious, Shy, Cautious, Temperamental, Anxious, Stubborn, Sarcastic and Depressed

Favorite Color(s): Black and Purple

Favorite Food(s): Pancakes, Pizza, Burgers and Chocolate

Favorite Drink(s): Coca Cola, Coffee and Energy Drinks

Favorite Activities: Playing Video Games, Listening to Music, Hanging out with Jason, Kiera, Lillian and Loren, Taking Walks, Singing Karaoke, Playing the Guitar, Working Out, Baking, Reading, Writing, Making Video Diaries, Programming, and Training with Bruce, Dick, Kiera and Jason

Theme Song: 'Panic Room' by Au/ra (Acoustic Version)

Relationship Status: Prefers not to say...


"Do you remember the sweet, innocent girl? The one you thought will be so easily manipulated? The one you thought won't fight back? Yeah, me either..." -Unknown

"I used to think of myself one way. But, after this... I am something else. And still me, I think. But... that's not what everyone else sees."-Wanda Maximoff, 'Captain America: Civil War'

"I have 3 sides... 1) The quiet and sweet side... 2) The fun and crazy side... 3) The side you never want to see..." -Unknown

"You cannot judge me for the ways I chose to deal with my pain." -Unknown

"The Devil whispered in my ear, 'You're not strong enough to withstand the storm.' Today I whispered in the Devil's ear, 'I am the storm.'"-Unknown

"You can break my soul, take my life away, beat me, hurt me, kill me, but for the love of God... don't touch him..." -Unknown


At age 10, Erica's family were killed in a car crash, leaving her the sole survivor. Her luck of surviving the crash caught the attention of the Clown Prince of Crime himself, the Joker. He then took the orphan girl under his wing, hoping to turn her into his ward. However, she proved to be very stubborn and unyielding to Joker's wishes.

At age 15, after being threatened and nearly killed by some of Joker's thugs, she was saved by Robin, or Jason Todd. A bond then formed between the two as they shared a common rebelliousness against their father figures. They began to spend time together, unbeknownst to their father figures, who were sworn enemies. This caused Erica to develop a crush of the second Robin, despite the potential danger.

However, their friendship was put at risk when the Joker kidnapped Jason while he was on a mission as Robin, trying to save children at Mgunn's School. Erica then discovered Jason in Arkham Asylum's old Intensive Treatment Wing, beaten and tortured, and attempted to free him... only for the Joker to learn of their friendship. After calling him out for his crimes, the Joker has her taken to another cell, across from her friend and is tortured and punished.

After a year of torment and screaming, Jason was killed by the Joker. However, Erica was saved by a young witch named Kiera Thorn. Unfortunately, this meant Erica had to change her identity, in order to avoid the Joker's grasp or potentially being killed...


Edit 12/27/22: Had to fix a few things in order for things to make better sense and to cause less confusion going forward. Thank you for your consideration! Chapter Two is coming soon!

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