That being said, she was almost never at the dorm. This left you alone with your music most evenings.

You glanced at the whiteboards below each door plate. Most were decorated with the names of the students that lived there or some category of obscene doodles.

Your neighboring room, three thirty two, had a cheery white board full of fruit drawings. The work of Mina.

You tugged on the handle of your own dorm, but it resisted, indicating that Rico was out. You fiddled with the small key on your lanyard and slid it into the lock, the door opening with a creak.

Without hesitation you chucked your backpack on the floor and scrambled up the wooden ladder to your loft bed, kicking your sandals off on each alternating rung.

You smacked your head into the pile of pillows and stuffed animals, letting out a long groan.

'My bed,' you uttered into a pillow, the weight of the day leaving your exhausted body.

You felt you deserved the rest for your productivity. Plus, you could always finish studying later over some British reality tv. For now, you stared at the back of your eyelids, enjoying the peace.

You thought wistfully about lighting some incense, listening to jazz music, making some black tea with honey. The possibilities were thrilling.

Unfortunately, your phone rumbled in your pocket and interrupted your daydream.

Taking a quick glance at the home screen you could make out three texts from Sasha.

You cracked a slight smile as that number quickly rose.

You met Sasha in your introduction to leisure class at the start of this year. This was fitting, since Sasha was the word leisure personified. She was always prioritizing whatever it was that made her happy.

Sasha had two hours of chemistry homework? Irrelevant. She was doing body shots at four at the morning.

Sasha had an urgent meeting for her internship program? She would certainly make it, but not until after she got boba tea to bring with her.

Despite her impulsivity, her electric charm drew people in from all kinds of crowds. Frat guys loved her, honors students loved her, her professors loved her.

But you two shared one of the strongest bonds: she had become like a sister to you in record time, routinely popping in to your dorm with snacks or calling you in the middle of lectures to make plans.

You were bonded for life, platonic soulmates.

Which is exactly why you knew what her messages would say before you had read them.


'costume party tonight'

'pi kappa alpha'

'be my date please.'

You reflexively looked at your disorganized closet. Options were limited to say the least.

Another vibration commanded your attention back.

'oh okay i'll just die if you say no like no worries'

'my heart rate is dropping as i type but that's fine.'

You groaned, having been content with the thought of a calm evening in.  Unlike Sasha, you didn't love a party.

You had accompanied her to some questionable frat houses just after rush and the sticky floors frequented your nightmares. Your white Reeboks were ruined for life.

However, tonight had been your first free night in a while. And it was Friday. If everyone else was forgetting about their weekly obligations, you could too.

What's one more ruined pair of shoes?

Mentally scolding yourself, you typed back a short, sweet 'sure' in response.

Sasha replied seconds later with all sorts of emphatic statements about alcohol and friends and costuming.

'what're you gonna wear.. i can't be the only one getting my bones jumped' read her final message.

You smiled and set your phone beside you on the bed,
which is when the realization hit.

You were going to a party tonight.

selfish [levi ackerman]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum