Chapter 12 - The Perfect Date

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Tommy's POV

We arrived at Sauli's house. Adam stayed in the car. I don't judge. After all, he is Adam's ex. I walked towards the front door and knocked.

Someone opened the door. It wasn't Sauli.

"Hi, is Sauli home?" I asked this person.

"Sauli. It's for you!... I don't know. Who are you?" he asked.

"Oh. Tommy. Tommy Joe."

"It's Tommy. Tommy Joe!"

I heard Sauli run downstairs. He looked upset. He wasn't glad to see me here.

"Leave us please." He said turning to the other guy.

"What do you want Ratliff? Are you here to steal my house too? Or is it to steal my brother from me?" He said furiously. I don't judge him. I never meant to "steal" Adam from him.

"Look. I know your mad. And I don't judge you. But I'm just here to apologize. I didn't mean to steal Adam. Really if I could go back in time and stop him when I knew where that was going. I totally would. I'm just here to say I'm really sorry. I really really am." I was about to get on my knees and apologize to him. He slapped me across the face. Okay. "What was that for?" I asked peacefully.

"For stealing my boyfriend. And I didn't get to do that, that day." He said. I guess I deserved that. "Why? Why you? What do you have that I don't?"

"I don't know how to answer that. Only Adam can. I'm sorry Sauli. I hope someday you forgive me. I really hope so" I walked away towards the car.

Adam's POV.

I saw tommy walk over here and I unlocked the car.

"Hey what happen? What'd he say?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just cleared out things with him." I replied.

"Did he threaded you?" I asked worriedly.

"No! I just hope he can forgive you, me, us" Tommy said almost crying.

"It's okay tommy. Everything roll be alright I promise you."

Poor tommy.

Three months later...

Tommy's POV.

We just finished touring and adam has been busy lately. It's like he's never home. I always. stay home doing nothing. Mostly I try to contact Adam but I can't even seem to do that. Sure he's home. Late at night. He gets here at 10:00 pm and he always gets up at around 8:30-9:00 am. The poor guy barely gets any sleep. Ever since monte left the band. We've had bad luck lookin for a bass player. I got transferred into guitar. Along with Camila leaving, trying to find a Keyboardist hasn't been easy Either.

4 days later.

I found a bass player on Facebook through on of our mutual friends. Her name is Ashley. I heard she plays for Cee loo green. We're meeting up later.

4:00 pm.

I arrived to the place where me and Ashley planned on meeting. We were meeting at a music store here in LA. I asked her a few questions. And then she decided to play a few notes for me. Just to see if she was actually good.

Damn! This chick can play. No wonder she plays for Cee loo.

"So... what do you think?" Ashley asked. I just stared in amazement.

"You're amazing! I'm sure Adam would love to have you as a member. You'll need to play for him. How bout... tomorrow? he's free?"I told her. She agreed and we decided to meet up here again tomorrow.

Adam's POV

Once I got home, exhausted as always, I smelled food. I looked over to the kitchen and I saw tommy making food.

"Hey Baby! How was your day?" he asked.

I wet over to him and kissed his neck.

"Not bad. Still can't decide what songs will be in the album. There all so good I just want all to make it into the album" I said while looking at what tommy was making for dinner. "What'cha making there?" I asked.

"I'm making something delicious. Could you please set the table?" he said. I went over to the table and set it. All nice. All pretty. I dimmed down the lights a little. I even lid up a candle. Just to make it romantic. After all I'm never tired... well you know for what.

I sat down and tommy served the food. He added a little red whine.

"Ooh. What is this? It Looks really good!" I said waiting for tommy to server himself.

"It's Herbed Chicken and Vegetables." He said as he sat down on the other side of the table.

I picked up my utensils and thanked tommy for this food. It was so delicious. I loved this dinner. It couldn't have been better. It was amazing. Just us talking about random stuff and about things we'd love to do together someday. This food he baked was amazing. He is perfection. I couldn't ask for someone better.

We both finished and tommy removed the plates from the table.

"Ready for Desert?" he asked. He even did desert? Tommy is on a roll today. Wonder why so romantic.

"What did you make for desert mr. Ratliff?" I asked in a very sophisticated voice.

"Well Mr. Lambert I made a carrot cake." He said mimicking my voice. We both laughed and he took out the cake. It looked gorgeous although something caught my eye. It said "1".

"Tommy. Why does it have a one in there?" I laughed while asking me.

Tommy's POV.

I showed Adam the cake and he just laughed and asked why did it have a one. Did he really forget?

"Adam You don't know what today is?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Yea. It's May 15th. Duh!" he said still laughing.

"How cruel can you be? You seriously don't remember?" I said almost bursting into tears.

"Remember what tommy?" he asked. Taking me more seriously.

"Forget it. Have fun eating the cake by yourself. I'm done!" I ran into the bathroom tearing do hard.

"Tommy. Tommy! Hold Up! Open the door. What's wrong?" Adam yelled almost knocking down the door.

"Adam! It's our 1-Year anniversary!" I yelled. The knocking stopped. I just cried and cried.

Adam's POV.

Did I really forget? What type of person am I?


Thx for 1.23k views its amazing knowing y'all still read this crappy story. Sorry for it being so sad, it's just the only thing that popped into my head. Once again Thank You!

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