Chapter 6

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Su Jiawen slept frightfully downstairs for several days. Luo Yu ignored him for most of it.

Unexpectedly at breakfast one day, Luo Yu casually told Su Jiawen, "I'll take you out for dinner."

"Where?" Su Jiawen's hand stopped mid-scoop of oatmeal. He lifted his head to look at Luo Yu.

He lived in Luo Yu's home, but Luo Yu felt that he and Su Jiawen had been geographically separated for a long time. The distance between them at the dining table seemed to be eight hundred meters, but Su Jiawen's expression was still so innocent. 

"Someone will come pick you up," Luo Yu said. He suddenly lost interest in eating breakfast. Right now, he both wanted to see Su Jiawen and to not see him. He pushed his bowl away and left the house.

At five in the afternoon, Lu Yi arrived at Luo Yu's house to pick up Su Jiawen. They headed outside the city. Su Jiawen asked Lu Yi, "Where are we going?"

Lu Yi told him the name of the hotel; Su Jiawen was silent. 

The hotel was called Jian Island. It was built on an island close by that was connected to Ping City by underwater tunnel.

"We'll be pa.s.sing through the tunnel soon." Lu Yi thought he didn't know where it was, so explained.

Su Jiawen said, "I know where it is. I've been there before."

"You've been to Jian Island?" Lu Yi was a little surprised. It didn't seem like Su Jiawen could be connected with a seven star hotel like Jian Island at all.

"Our cla.s.s organized a field trip to that island." Su Jiawen gazed out the window at the view of the streets. He told Lu Yi, "I've seen the hotel from the outside."

Lu Yi nodded and asked Su Jiawen, "I heard you've recently started baking?"

Su Jiawen reached a hand out to adjust the AC vent. He said, "I did once, but Mr. Luo didn't like it. I haven't baked since."

Lu Yi realized that every other phrase, Su Jiawen brought up Luo Yu, so lost interest and stopped talking. When the car entered the tunnel, everything became dark. Stirring music played from the stereo as the two remained quiet; because of this, it wasn't terribly awkward. 

At the hotel, Lu Yi parked and brought Su Jiawen inside. They got on the elevator and swiped the card, then pressed the b.u.t.ton for the 35th floor.

"The top floor?" Su Jiawen suddenly asked. Lu Yi turned his head to look at him. Su Jiawen's expression was a little conflicted.

Lu Yi had never seen this expression on Su Jiawen's face before. He inquired, "Is something wrong?"

Su Jiawen shook his head. "Nothing. I just remembered some things."

The elevator doors opened. The scenic restaurant, located over a hundred meters in the air, was empty and silent. The lights were dim, and there was only one table set up in the enormous room.

Luo Yu was sitting there, waiting for him. Outside the ceiling-to-floor windows and off in the distsance were the dark sea and Ping City's night view. 

Su Jiawen looked at Luo Yu. Luo Yu stood up and waved at him. Su Jiawen walked over to that table. 

Lu Yi closed the door behind them and waited outside.  

A few waitresses were standing there too. Normally, there would be a continuous flow of dozens of tables of customers for them to serve. Now that the entire restaurant had been booked and the food was being directly brought inside, they could finally catch a break. 

Lu Yi had nothing to do either, so started casually chatting with them. "The top floor isn't normally all booked out, right?"

"I've never seen it," a girl said. "What a rich person thing to do."

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