No matter how suspicious he was of Su Jiawen, nothing came to fruition.

That night, Luo Yu declined an invitation to go to an alcohol and s.e.x party. He told the driver to take him home directly. There was ongoing construction in the middle of the city these days, so the driver took the long way around. He pa.s.sed by a flower shop that Luo Yu had never seen before. Luo Yu coincidentally looked up and saw it.   

He told the driver to stop. The driver parked by the side of the road. Luo Yu got out of the car and walked into the flower shop. 

A little girl working at the flower shop wearing an ap.r.o.n greeted him. "Sir, what do you need?"

Luo Yu politely asked her, "Can you make me a bouquet of tulips?"

"Of course." The little girl put down the watering can in her hands and said, "What colors would you like?"

Luo Yu pointed at the white ones. "Only this color."

At home, Luo Yu shoved the flowers at Su Jiawen. He rarely personally bought or gifted others presents, so was a bit awkward in doing so.  

Su Jiawen was overjoyed to be receiving flowers. He held them in his arms and said, "But I don't know where to keep them."

Luo Yu remembered the silver flower vase and was just about to speak when Su Jiawen suddenly added, "I wonder if there's aspirin in the first aid kit."

"What do you need aspirin for?" Luo Yu asked him.

"If you put aspirin in the water, the flowers can live longer," Su Jiawen explained. He waddled around the house, holding the large bouquet of flowers as he looked for a vase. He made his way about, motions extremely limited, but refused to put down the flowers no matter what. Twenty minutes later, he finally located three flower vases of different colors in a storage room.

The nanny helped him put the vases on the coffee table. He squatted by them and started gesturing. 

"Mr. Luo," he turned to call for Luo Yu, "Which one do you think looks better?"

"Come eat first." Luo Yu regretted buying the flowers for him.

Su Jiawen hesitated. He probably wanted to pick a vase out with Luo Yu, but ultimately put down the flowers and took a seat to eat. 

Halfway through dinner, Luo Yu casually brought up, "The vase Jiang Qi wanted to give you the other day, why didn't you accept it?"

Su Jiawen lifted his head and looked at Luo Yu, bewildered. A moment later, he finally responded, "I thought it wouldn't be right."

"Why wouldn't it be right?" Luo Yu asked again.

Su Jiawen shook his head and said, "I'm not sure either. His appearance is a little terrifying."

Jiang Qi was big and looked rough, truly resembling a gangster. Luo Yu laughed and comforted him, "If a similar situation comes up next time, bravely accept the gift."

Su Jiawen hesitantly nodded.

"He asked someone to find me today and said he wanted to buy you for five million," Luo Yu slowly relayed, observing Su Jiawen's expression as he spoke.

It took Su Jiawen a few seconds to comprehend what Luo Yu had said. As soon as he did, his face paled. He fearfully asked, "Did he?"

Su Jiawen stared directly at Luo Yu, as if waiting for a decision. 

Upon being gazed at like that by Su Jiawen, Luo Yu couldn't bear it anymore either. He said, "Ruan Zheng must not treat him that well. He's quite poor."

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