"Who did you owe money to?" Luo Yu's hand rested on Su Jiawen's shoulder while he pointed at the red letters. He ruthlessly critiqued, "Shen Qiyin, this is hideous."

Luo Yu was the last to arrive. The other two on this trip with them were called Zhou Zihao and Qi Ye. They had both been standing there admiring Shen Qiyin's strange graffiti for a while. Upon hearing Luo Yu ridicule Shen Qiyin's aesthetic, they started laughing. 

The man and woman by their sides pressed their lips together to hold back their amus.e.m.e.nt too.

Zhou Zihao was the second to open his mouth and taunt, "I was just about to say. Your style must originate from the same master as Ruan Zheng's."

"Ruan Zheng?" Shen Qiyin glanced at Luo Yu. Seeing that Luo Yu's expression didn't change, he couldn't help but continue, "He has such good taste?"

Zhou Zihao knew Luo Yu and Ruan Zheng didn't get along too. But Luo Yu's expression was normal, so he explained, "Ruan Zheng bought a Beach Club recently and sprayed a Ruan on the top. But he had a black top and sprayed white ink on it, so still a little more fashionable than you."

"You can only see the yacht, no sign of the owner," Qi Ye added.

"Alright, alright. That's enough." Shen Qiyin glanced at Luo Yu again, then pointed at his own boat. "Get on if you'd like. At least I'm heading on first."

Afterwards, he walked onto the yacht with a model he had just met. 

Qi Ye and Zhou Zihao looked at each other. Zhou Zihao held out his right hand at Luo Yu. "CEO Luo first."

Luo Yu politely smiled and walked onboard holding Su Jiawen's hand. 

Shen Qiyin had bought a luxury medium-sized yacht. As soon as one entered, they would encounter a large round table at the bow of the ship. Shen Qiyin chose a place to sit first; his female companion tucked herself into his side. Everyone chatted for a while until the captain walked in and asked Shen Qiyin, "Mr. Shen, may we set sail?"

Shen Qiyin nodded at him, after which the captain left. 

Only a moment later, the body of the ship rocked and the silvery white yacht slowly left the pier, sailing into deeper waters. 

The water by the pier was comparatively lighter in color. As they sailed on, the water got bluer and bluer. Qi Ye and Zhou Zihao brought their companions on deck to see the ocean. Shen Qiyin shooed his female companion away. 

But Su Jiawen wasn't curious. He obediently stayed by Luo Yu's side. Luo Yu looked down and asked him, "Do you want to go out and take a look?"

Su Jiawen shook his head and said, "I'll stay here. I'm a little seasick."

Off to the side, Shen Qiyin snorted. "Jiawen, you don't get Lishi-sick, but you get seasick?"

Before Su Jiawen could respond, Luo Yu spoke first. "Sitting here is nice too. Better than getting polluted by who knows what's out there."

Shen Qiyin picked up a flute of champagne and ignored Luo Yu's mocking. "Here, it's rare that you have free time. Have a drink."

Luo Yu clinked gla.s.ses with him but only politely took a sip. Suddenly, a commotion arose on deck. Zhou Zihao popped his head in the cabin and told them excitedly, "Speak of the devil! We've run into Ruan Zheng's yacht. CEO Luo, shall we take him out with one shot?"

"What do you mean one shot. What a potty mouth." Shen Qiyin scolded Zhou Zihao with his words, but his person had already stood up and was on the way outside. Halfway there, he turned back to ask Luo Yu, "Aren't you going to take a look at your little enemy's boat?"

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