001. the (un)welcome back

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"I still can't believe Moony got the badge!" said James. "Why not me?" he has been complaining about this since he knew that Remus was a prefect.

"James, you need to stop doing this. You've been asking the same question for weeks!" said Juliette. "And you know the answer will always be the same. You are a prankster, troublemaker and you are lack of responsibility."

"For your information, I'm not a troublemaker! I'm a entertainer." said James.

"No wonder why they don't make you a prefect." Juliette mumbled.

"No wonder why they don't make you a prefect." James mimicked.

"Cut it out!"

"Mee me mhee!"


         Juliette and James were at the Kingcross Station. It was the first day of their fifth year. They've already said goodbye to their parents and now they are looking for their friends.

Suddenly someone's hands covered Juliette's eyes. "Guess who?" asked that person.

"Marls, I know it's you." said Juliette.

"At least just try to act surprised!" said Marlene as she pulled her hands off Juliette's eyes.

"Oh! It's you! I have no idea!" Juliette smiled and shook her head.

"Hold on, there's something different." said James.

Marlene flipped her blonde hair.

"You dyed it blonde! That's great! You always wanted to do it!" said Juliette.

"Thanks!" Marlene smiled. "Guess what, Lils and Moony got the badge!"

"I already knew that." said James. "Thanks for reminding me."

"Aw, what's wrong, Jamesie boy?" asked Marlene. "Jealous?"

"Apparently yes! He's so annoying! He has been complaining about this since he knew!"

"I'm not. And by the way don't call me that, Marly."

Juliette giggled, she knew Marlene hate being called 'Marly'.

"Let's go find Pads." said James.

"I think I'm gonna go find Rem and Lily" said Juliette.

"What's the point? Aren't they at the prefect compartment?" asked James.

"Oh! Right! I forgot." answered Juliette.

"Forgot? We were just discussed about this, sis." said James.

"You know what? You can go find Pads! We'll see you at the compartment. Actually I have something to talk with Jules." said Marlene. James looked confused at that point. "Girl stuff, you don't wanna know."

"Oh! Alright." James said as he went to find Sirius.

"You're not gonna stop hating on him?" asked Marlene.

"I tried, okay? It's just so hard that I don't wanna do it anymore." said Juliette. "And it never gonna change the fact that he is pompous, arrogant and cocky. And most of all a womanizer."

"But he's your brother's best friend." said Marlene. "And he's in our gang."

"I know." said Juliette. "I really try to be tolerably toward him."

"Alright. But you know we're all friends, right?" asked Marlene.

"Doesn't mean I have to be friend with him."

"So you're like frenemies?"


"Whatever, let's go find James." Marlene said and dragged Juliette with her.

womanizer; 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐫𝐚Where stories live. Discover now