000. prologue

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The Potters' manor filled with loudness and chaos. It was the first of September, 1971. James and Juliette's first day at Hogwarts.

"James! Get your arse out of the bathroom!" Juliette barked. "We're gonna miss the train!"

"Stop knocking, sis" said James calmly. "I'm setting my hair."

"What? You have no hair!"

"Finished!" said James with a grin on his face as he walked out of the bathroom. "And for your information, I have hair and my hair is flawless."

Juliette rolled her eyes. "This day's gonna be amazing, we'll be sorted into Gryffindor." she smiled.

"And it's all gonna be perfect!" said James.

"Oh, here you are!" said Euphomia Potter as she gave the her two kids a hug. "Are you ready for your first year?"

"Absolutely, mum." said James.

"More than ready, I've been waiting for this since forever!" Juliette smile widened. "Suitcase, check! Wand, check!"

"That's great! Now let's go find your dad and go to London."

✧ ✧ ✧ ✧

The Potters went to Kings Cross by Floo network. "All you have to do is run straight trough that barrier." said Fleamont Potter. "James, you go first."

James ran trough the barrier, followed by Juliette and their parents.

There was a large red steam train with a label read 'Hogwarts Express'.

"I can still remember the first time I came here." said Euphomia Potter with happy tear steaming down her face.

"We were both young when I first saw you, Mia. We both were sorted to Gryffindor." said Fleamont Potter. "No doubt that Gryffindor is the best house, kids."

"Fleamont! Don't tell them that!" Euphomia snapped. "Every house is equally good. We will love no matter what house are you in."

Juliette and James giggled.

"But if you're not in Gryffindor- Ouch! It's hurt!" said Fleamont as Euphomia stepped on his feet.

"Don't listen to him." said Euphomia kindly.

"We are gonna miss you so much while you're gone." said Fleamont.

"We're gonna miss you too!" said James and Juliette as they hugged their parents.

"See you at Christmas!" said Euphomia and Fleamont as they waved at their two children.

         After saying goodbye to their parents, James and Juliette went to find an empty compartment. Unfortunately, every compartment filled with people; so they chose the compartment with three first year students, one girl and two boys.

"Can I and my sister accompany you?" James asked as he opened the compartment door.

"Sure!" answered the boy with long elegant black hair. "I'm Sirius, Sirius Black!" he reached out his hand.

"I'm James Potter and this is my sister Juliette." James shook hand with Sirius.

"Hello" said Juliette, she looked at Sirius as if she estimated him then shook his hand eventually.

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