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Dove had just finished telling us about her run in (literally) with this cute guy, Alex. We were on the bus ride home with Zoey and Talia. They were coming to our house, and I couldn't have been more nervous. Usually when we invite people to our house, they end up asking us to buy them stuff. Not cool.

The bus finally reached our stop, which was at the end of our humongous driveway. We trekked up the sloped pavement, and as our mansion came into view, I heard the twins gasp.

"WOAH," exclaimed Zoey, with awe. "Your house is HUGE!"

I smiled. I guess we had made a good first impression.

As we entered the house, our butler Conrad greeted us.

"Hi there, kiddos! How was your first day? Oh, I see you brought guests. I'm Conrad, the Valentine's butler," he explained. Talia and Zoey just looked at each other with wide eyes.

We smiled at Conrad and walked past.

The entryway hall of our house was huge, and painted with an array of reds and pinks. It had a high ceiling with a sparkling chandelier, that had heart shaped diamonds dangling all about it. We led the twins up the gold trimmed staircase and onto the second floor of our home. That floor housed all of our parents' things, like their bedroom and such. They weren't usually here to use it. Then we headed up to the third floor which was the one that held Ariana, Dove, and my rooms. We took Talia and Zoey into Ariana's room, which was usually the cleanest. Dove and I threw our backpacks next to the doors of our rooms, then followed the others into Ari's room. Inside we were met with the sunny yellow carpet and baby yellow walls of Ariana's room. Her room also had a brick fireplace and a cozy loft. Her bed was made of bricks but had a cozy mattress and lots of fluffy blankets and pillows. There was a yellow couch and lots of framed photos of various sunsets. It was a very cozy and home-y room, nothing like my pink room that was covered in flowers and baby animal posters. In her room we were also greeted by her pet mini pig, Tickles. She was orangey colored and had pink speckles.

"Your pig matches my hair," Zoey said through giggles.

Ariana set her pack down on her couch, and the twins did the same. We all headed up the ladder to Ariana's loft. It was basically a trampoline with a blanket sewn onto it, and lots of pillows and such strewn around it.

"This is so cool," said Talia. "I wish my room was like this! Only I'd want it in turquoise!"

We all pulled out our phones. After Dove, Ari, and I had all returned the twins' follows on Instagram and Twitter, we started talking about us triplets' parents.

"They're so nice, but they're hardly ever here," explained Ariana.

"I love them to death, they're our parents, but I kinda feel like I don't even know them," said Dove sadly.

After a moment of silence, Talia spoke. "I don't know what I would do without our dads!"

"Dads?" I asked, puzzled.

"Oh, we have two dads. And before you ask, the surrogate mother happened to get twins, and our dads chose to take both of us," Zoey explained.

"Cool," I answered, smiling.

"Oh, phew!" Said Talia with a sigh of relief. "I am SO glad you aren't homophobes! I was so worried because I had this best friend once, and she was a homophobe so I obviously had to kick her out, and....."

Zoey cut her off. "Tal, stop blabbering! Don't scare away our new friends!"

Just then there was a knock at the door. "Girls, are you in there? I brought a snack!"

It was Cassandra, our nanny.

"Yeah, come on in!" I yelled back. The door opened and our tall, black haired nanny with large glasses walked in carrying a tray of sandwiches, juice, milk, and cookies. She smiled at us.

"Here you go," she said, handing the tray up to us. "I'm Cassandra, and if you need anything else just let me know," she said to our guests.

"Thanks, Cass!" My sisters and I yelled in unison.

As we ate the sandwiches, we talked to the twins some more. We learned that Talia was lesbian and that Zoey was on a soccer team. We learned that they had a baby brother named Ron, and a dog named Dobby. Their dads must like Harry Potter.

After a while, Talia got a call.

"Hello? Oh, hi Papa! Yes, it's the right house. Okay, we'll be out in a minute!"

Then she hung up. Turning to Zoey, she said "that was Papa, we have to go."

The twins left after some goodbyes, and left me with my sisters.

"You know something," I said. "They didn't ask us for money!"

It had been a successful day. I was so glad to have found some friends.

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