Chapter 1: Day 1

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Ray woke up through the sunlight directly hitting her face. She was confused for a little, wondering where she is but then the realization hit her when she heard the sirens of the cop cars.

She got up and took a look around her new apartment. When she arrived yesterday, she wasn't able to roam around her apartment because of tiredness so she immediately went to sleep when she arrived.

It was a one bedroom apartment with one bathroom beside it and a closet right in front of the bathroom. She then went to her small living room that has a one comfortable sofa and a table on the side.

'How am I going to find him? where do I start?' she asks herself.

*stomach growls*

She chuckles and held her stomach, "Right, food".

She then stood up and went to the bathroom to take a bath. After taking a bath she wore her favorite white crop tank top and baggy pants and before going out, she grabbed her favorite red beanie that was knitted by her mom.

She stepped out of the apartments and looked around.

'Now, where do I buy food, I can't see any stores' she wonders. She spotted a girl standing by the corner of the apartments, 'wow, she looks so cute in that hair buns' she thought. Ray then approaches the girl.

"Um, hey!" Ray greeted.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the girl asked with a smile.

"Uh, I'm Ray, Ray Mond. I'm actually new in this city, it's my first day, do you know where I can buy some food? I'm a little hungry" Ray said.

"Hi Ray, name's Cassie Cupcake. Welcome to Los Santos! and yes, I do. Here, have some sandwich" the girl, Cassie, responded while handing Ray her sandwich. 

Ray hesitated for a bit. 'Should I take it? I mean, I don't know her at all and this city is known as the city of criminals, what if she put something in here?' Ray thought. 

She awkwardly smiled and took Cassie's sandwich.

"Don't worry, I didn't put something in there" Cassie said while laughing.

"Thank you, I'm sorry. I'm just afraid, I don't know anyone here" Ray said.

"Understandable, it's fine. By the way.." Cassie starts looking around then pointed at a girl wearing sunglasses whose hair is also in buns. "That's Claire, she's my friend" the girl said, "She's currently on a phone call with someone, let's wait for her and I'll introduce you."

"Uh- Okay." Ray responded as she took a bite from the sandwich. 'god, this is so good, where did she get this?' Ray thought. I'm gonna buy a bunch of this later.


"Hey Cassie, let's go? Oh- hi! who is she?" the Claire girl approaches.

"She's Ray Mond, she said she's new and don't know where to get things from. So I'm thinking of bringing her with us, you know, maybe we can give her a tour to the city or something" Cassie explained.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go" Claire said and made her way to the parking lot. 

Cassie took my hand and pulled me "Let's go!" she exclaimed excitedly.


"Woah, this is your car? It's sick, what do you do for a living?" Ray said with an amused face. 

"Yeah, it's my baby. I work for Cassie at the Diamond Casino and Resort and I also co-found some business in here." Claire answered. 

"Woah, you're like a really big deal huh" Ray said with amusement evident in her tone.

"Yes, she really is" Cassie said while getting on the passenger seat.

Claire just chuckled and started the car.

Ray Mond's POV

While Claire drives her car in the streets of Los Santos, I can't help but be amused of the things around.

I see some group of people with guns on their bag, another group of people punching each other then... laughing after? weird.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Claire and Cassie.

"At the Casino." Cassie responded. "I have some important things to deal with" she continued.

"Oh- so you are the owner of  that Casino?" I asked. Oh my, what kind of person did I bumped on today?

"Oh, no no. It's Dean Watson's. I'm just the CEO" Cassie said.

"Oh, that's really cool" I said.

Claire then parked the car in front of a really tall building, woah, is this it?

"We're here" Claire said and unbuckled her seatbelt to get out of the car. I did the same and followed the both of them out. 

They both walk towards the entrance and I just followed them behind. This is very amazing.

We got inside and the amount of people in every corner of this building is crazy. I passed by a mirror and suddenly felt out of place.

I looked at Claire and Cassie who are both wearing clothes that screams classy and sophistication. It look like a simple clothes outside, like something you would wear on a daily basis but it blended really well with the formal attires of people inside the Casino. 

"Ray! I thought we lost you, what are you doing here? come follow me." Claire said and pulled me by my hand to a clothing store inside the building.

I was confused at first and her observing look that went from my head to toe made me really conscious of myself. 

"Your fit does not look that bad. Don't be shy." She flashed me her brightest smile, she's gorgeous.

"Did you just read my mind?" I asked her jokingly. " I just feel out of place, people in here wears very formal clothes" I said looking around.

"Nah, you're fine. They are just overdressed." Claire chuckled. "Let's go shopping for clothes, what do you think?" 

"Yeah, that sounds great. If only I'm not broke as fck" I said following Claire out of the building.

"You're good, I'll give you money" Claire said and smiled at me.

"Thanks Claire" I responded.

"Hey Ray! Ray Mond!" someone yelled from behind, I turned around to check, it was Cassie.

"Hey Cassie, what's up?" I asked Cassie  who's trying to catch her breath after running.

She handed me a small paper- a business card?

"My number's in here. I forgot to take yours, text me okay?" Cassie said.

I chuckled and nodded.

"You could have just asked Claire to send me your number, but okay. I will!" I said.

"Great. Have fun you two, okay? Keep safe!" She said before going back inside the building. 

"Let's go?" Claire asked as she started her car again.

"Let's!" I responded with a smile.


Note: Hi! thanks for reading this story. 

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