|1| ~The Wicked Witch~

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First thing first, I am a foreigner who stands with Ukraine. My prayers are with you. I hope you are safe and continue to be so, my heart aches for your losses and my soul craves for your peace. I hope you find the strength to overcome the darkness that has been bestowed on your country. From afar, I lend my hand, and may my touch be your strength.

This American is with you.

Esmerelda in media

Larentia Lakewater

I start to giggle louder seconds after my statement, unable to help myself.

"Your humor is unable at times, Lake." my sister giggles louder.

"Yes, it is!" An unrecognizable voice stops our laughter at once.

In a second, my sister and I jump up out of our spots in search of the newcomer just to come in contact with Aurora's youngest daughter, Esmeralda as she jumps at me and hisses, "Although, unfortunately for you. Your acid wittiness and sharp tongue do come with a price."


The wicked woman jumps at me. "My mum may have all the patience in the world but unfortunately for you, I have none," English accent thick as thieves. Straight from the crowd, she comes. Her flawless golden skin has a natural glow that shines brighter than the western sun. She's a darling of a girl.

Large alluring almond eyes hold the colour of hazel tree leaves blowing on a cool autumn day, framed by voluptuously, thick, full, and long-lashes that are so unreal they appear to be fake.

She is perfect, perhaps too perfect. One may even say that Esmeralda can be any season must precious jewel, simply breathtaking.

Though, her actions make her appear to be an ugly beast, monstrous. I don't know who she thinks she is coming at me the way that she's coming at me.

"You're coming with me," she demands, grabbing onto my left arm and yanking me up as if I'm some sort of regular human that she can just boss around.

"I think not," I snatch away from her. "I'm not going with anyone who behaves in such a manner." From my parrel vision, I see my sister staring at the scene frozen in space.

"You dare to defy me," the witch hisses. There's a ghost of a smile that's tugging on her full lips.

"Is my sister frozen," I ignore her comment altogether before spinning on my heel to cheque on my sister. When I reach her, " I wave my hand in front of her face.

To my surprise, she doesn't even blink. Such a neat trick. This can come in handy, I wonder. "Can you teach me how to do this?" I turn back around to face Esmerelda, who's currently oddly staring at me oddly.

"Have you've ever been told that you do not have all of your marbles," she says while rising her left eyebrow delicately.

"I beg your pardon," I snort. "I've been told no such thing. I've always been well versed in my studies."

Hmmm. "I beg to differ," the witch mocks me before spinning on heels to walk in the opposite direction. Her unruly chestnut waves blow with the wind with every step that she takes.

Now, wait for a minute. "Where are you going?" I dare to ask, following right behind her like a lost puppy.

The witch doesn't even look my way as she states, "I've already advised you that my mum may have all the patience in the world, but unfortunately for you, I have none if you wouldn't like to partake in your destiny. Then who am I to force you," she shrugs.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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