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Davina began to walk down a dark deserted road. Everything looked the same yet felt so different, was it the houses? The cars? Or the fact she had just crawled out of a ditch 2 hours prior. She found herself walking to a certain someone's home, someone who she needed to warn.

She burst through the door, it making a loud band, "Gina!" She yells looking around. Around a minute late she hears rapid footsteps running down the stairs, she turns around to see an old lady staring at her in shock with a baseball bat. "Who the hell are you?" Davina gulps. The woman stared at her mouth a gap. "Please don't tell me I broke into some random person's house. Look this is awkward so I'm just gonna-" The lady finally forms the words to speak, "Davina," She gasps. "This is getting creepy. Who are you?" Davina asks? "Gina."


"It isn't possible!" A voice echoed from the other room. "But what if it is?" Another chimed in. "Why would your friend re-alive not long after him?" A younger voice asked. Davina finally decides to get up and go see them.

"Can someone please tell me what's going on," Davina stood in the doorway making another 2 older women gasp. "Believe me now?" Gina asks. "It's kind of hard not to when she's standing right in front of us?" Ida jeers. "Someone tell me what's going on or I swear-" Gina cuts her off, "You should sit down," She leads them to the living room.


"I literally was just coming to warn you about Chuck," Davina leans back on the couch. "Well, you're about 50 years late, Vi," Ida teased. "Why were you coming to warn us anyway?" Becky asks. "When I died the traveller showed me a memory and I was in this strange place, Chuck was with me and he wanted me to forget something but I still don't know what," She groans in frustration. "It's alright, we'll help you figure it out," A brunette girl around her age comforts.

"Where is Chuck now?" Davina asks. "We don't know. Kelly found him in her attic looking at the book and confronted him then he left," Gina says. "When was this?" Davina asks, "Earlier this day," Kelly claimed. "I want to see him," Davina announces. "Dressed like that?" Ida raises an eyebrow. "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" She frowns. "Maybe the fact it's covered in dirt and blood?" The redhead states. "I'm not the one who buried me," She turned to look at Gina, Becky and Ida. "You should take a shower and I'll wash your clothes," Gina smiles. "Thank you, Gina,"


"Gina, I don't want to trouble you by staying here," She shakes her head. "Please, it's no trouble I'd like the company anyway. I've cleared up the guest bedroom for you," Gina says. "Thank you," Davina begins to walk upstairs to the guest bedroom.

Davina sighs as she makes her way to the bed and sits down. Memories of her last day began to flood her mind. "Is everything alright?" Gina asks standing in the doorway. "Mhm," She coughs pushing them away. "I'm down the haul to the left if you need me," She tells. "Alright." Gina begins to walk away.


"What was it like?" Darbie asks. "Darbie!" Hannah warns. "No, it's fine. Uh, death or after death?" Davina asks. "Both," Darbie shrugs. "Well, Death's a drag, very painful and uncomfortable and after death Is... Terrifying, it was like I was alone in an endless ghost town with no one to speak to or even look at," She begins to dig deeper into her thoughts. "That sounds awful," Kelly pities. "It's over now," Hannah comforts.

Davina would beg to differ.


"So you're just gonna waltz up to him?" Becky asks. "No, I want to scare him first," She grins. "We arent 14 anymore-" Becky cuts herself off. "Correction, you aren't, I am," She opens the door to corky's diner and behind to walk to a dark corner near Chuck.

He turns up his head making direct eye contact with her. Chuck gulps nervously. He inhales making his face go back to a straight emotionless one. She begins to make her way towards his table.

"What are you doing here?" He asks. "I got hungry," She takes one of his fries and eats it. "I mean in the world, you should be dead," He says. "I wasn't expecting a surprise party but I did a warm welcome," She leans back in the seat Chuck tilting his head at her. "Fine. I'm dead and I came back to haunt you," She jokes. "Very funny," He smiles.

"Seriously, how are you here?" He asks again. "I don't know, Chuck, 1 minute I'm dead and the next I'm crawling out of the ground," She taunts. "I heard you got sent away for a while too," She raises an eyebrow. "Yeah, it's a bummer, am I right?" He asks. "Meh," She mumbled.

"So are you here to join me in my villain arc?" He jokes. "More like try to destroy it." Chuck chuckles, "And how would you do that?" she furrows his eyebrows. "Well, I was expecting to scare you a little and then some how win you over... I don't know I didn't plan a script," She shakes her head. "Sorry, D, but you were my 60s fling, it's been 50 years," He shrugs. "Not for me or you for that matter of fact" She states. Chuck takes her hand in his," D, you're groovy and I like hanging around with you but I just don't have the time," He stands up. "Is your new stealing cookbook hobby taking up all your time?" She asks making him chuckle. "just stay out of my way," He lightly sight pulling his hand away.

"Gotta run. Big plans," He says. "Making a date with the cookbook?" She interrogates. "More like with someone's dad," He leaves money on the table, "Have the rest," He nods towards the plate of food and a milkshake then walks away. "Wait someone's dad?" She squint's her eyes watching him walk away.


𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑑𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦𝑒𝑙|𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑐𝑘 𝑝𝑒𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑟 & 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𝑜𝑐Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat