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Davina gasps awake from a horrible nightmare but not a normal one, it was like shards of memories mixed up into one. It was confusing but she did know one thing. she didn't just fall, something hit her, Someone.

She begins to pry herself out of a sleeping Chuck's arms careful not to wake him. "Mmm" Chuck moans in his sleep. Davina covers her mouth trying not to make a noise as she sneaks out of the room. She rushes downstairs to get a glass of water. Whilst pouring the water more memories of her come back in flashes. Davina gasps and drops the glass making it smash.

Davina kneels down to pick up the broken shards. "Ahh," she hisses as she cuts her palm. "D?" Chuck asks rubbing his eyes in the kitchen doorway "Chuck" She shoots up "You're bleeding" He takes a few steps towards her "It's just a scratch" She backs away.

"Is everything okay?" He furrows his eyebrows "I think I'm remembering" She looks over at him "What?" He asks "Only pieces. I don't think i fell. I was hit" Chuck gulps at her words "Who hit you?" He asks. Davina freezes in realisation "I didn't say it was a person"

Davina looks towards the other door exit then back to Chuck who does the same thing with her. She gulps before making a run to the exit "Davina, no!" Chuck shouts running after her. Davina quickly runs into the bathroom locking the door.

"Davina, come out," He says softly "It was you wasn't it?" She leans against the door "I'm not gonna hurt you" Chuck places his hand against the door "You're a liar!" Davina yells. Chuck sighs "Just tell me what you remember" Chuck leans his head against the door.

"We were in my room and you put a cloth over my face then we were in a trailer I think and you wererambling on, I don't know it was all fuzzy only words mixed then I was hit in the head" She explains. Chuck sighs in relief "It's alright. We can fix this. Just let me in" He nods shaking the door handle "No" She shakes her head "D, open the door" He says calmly "Go away" Chuck sighs holding back anger.

"Open the door, Davina. You know I won't hurt you" He says "I can't trust you" She shakes her head again "Put your insufferable trust issues away for one second and come out so I can help you" He twists the door handles again "I want to trust you I really do" Davina nods "Then trust me" He takes a few steps away from the door. A click can be heard meaning the door was unlocked.

Davina steps outs slowly "Why? Why did you do it?" She asks "You were spurring all kinds of crazy stuff
about the magic and I didn't know what to do" He lies "I can't trust you" She shakes her head "Why not?" He asks "I don't know maybe because you hit me in the head" She chuckles in disbelief.

"It'll be okay you just have to trust me" He nods "I want to I really do but when it comes to magic you're different" "I know and for that, I'm sorry but-" Davina begins to cough up blood "Davina, you're sick just let me help" He approaches her

"I'm sick? Chuck, look at me I'm obviously dying" She laughs lightly "I know you just spit blood but that's a little mellow dramatic is it not?" He asks "Ever since the cookbook I've felt off and at first, I thought I was just nervous of the magic but every time I use the cookbook or whatever I have, I become weaker, sicker" She wipes the blood off of her mouth "How do we stop it?" He asks "That's what the girls are figuring out right now," She says "Well, they better hurry, you are not doing to well"


"We're back!" Becky shouts walking into the house making Chuck and Davina run downstairs. "Did you talk to her?" Davina asks "Mhm" They all nod "So what'd she say?" Chuck asks "She definitely said something" Ida nods again "Elaborate?" Davina asks "Sure... Take a seat" Becky walks over to the couch and sits down with them all.

"So good news we found your mom! Bad news your dying!" Ida says quickly "Coughing up blood did not make me think that at all" Davina says sarcastically "Blood? Quicker than we thought" Gina panics "Who's my mom?" Davina asks "Her name starts with T and ends with raveler," Ida says hesitatingly.

"Traveler? How is that possible?" Davina asks "Long story short she needed her bloodline to last but she got into it with a human and not a magical being or whatever so when you started using magic it affected you and it's hurting you" Ida rambles "How do we stop it?" Chuck asks "That's the problem, we don't know" Becky frowns. Davina looks towards Gina who had been looking away the whole time.


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