Taxi Driver Fallen for Physiotherapist {1}

Start from the beginning

||Next Day||

[Tae and his granny going to a wellness center. His granny wanted to lose fat so she decided to join yoga classes.]

Tae: granny you go and give your measurements, I will consult the physiotherapist for my back pain.

Granny: ok meet you at waiting area after your checkup.

[Tae ask the receptionist and move towards the doctor's cabin.]

Tae: May I come in?

Doc: Yes Please!

Tae: *surprised* hey, it is you. Are you a physiotherapist?

Doc: yes, I am junkook. Nice to meet you man. *forward his hand*

Tae: *shaking his hand* nice to see you too. *glancing on JK's tattoo muscle*

[After complete examine Tae's problem, JK teaching him some Yoga posture to recover his pain.]

JK: so go down. Straight, to your toes. Touch your toes. No No stretch completely, hand's up and you will go down. *showing him while doing*

[Tae is trying to do but whenever JK touch his back for more stretch, he feels shiver in his lower back which is way different than his regular pain.]

JK: lot of pressure on spine do one thing, come on Monday. I have an appointment with a client. We can start your therapy from Monday.


[JK just put his hand on Tae's shoulder and Tae bid him bye and move out nervously.]

[At night, Tae just sitting on the couch, cannot focus on anything, because his mind just thinking about JK. His smile, his touch, his way of talking, I guess everything.]

Granny: as I grow older, my eyesight, memory, strength, everything is reducing, but my stomach is not reducing. Hey! where are you lost? *still not getting reply, touch Tae's chin fondly* I know that you are thinking about Irene.

Tae: *annoyingly* what rubbish granny...

Granny: I know it all...I have been through this romantic era. Come on let's have our usual dance.

||Next Day||

[Tae and Irene sitting on the edge of a riverbank.]

Irene: will you drive the cab even after our wedding?

Tae: Yes, why? is there any problem in driving a cab?

Irene: you are a pharmacy graduate, why don't you find a job?

Tae: I did work with a chemist for two years. There's isn't any progress but in driving a cab, I am able to save money. The more I earn, the better it will be.

Irene: for us. *Shyly*

Tae: for granny and for us too. *looking away* if we have money, granny can stay with us too.

Irene: after the wedding, we will keep a caretaker for granny. It is not good thing that I will go to work and she will do all the household chores. *Caringly*

Tae: granny is right about you.

Irene: what?

Tae: that you are a very nice girl.

Irene: thanks. *Shyly*

||Next Day at Wellness center||

[JK showing some workout moves to Tae and giving a proper stretch by pressing his joints. Tae following every step nervously and gulping at every move because of the touch but Tae move backward when JK touch his lower back and went outside without saying anything.]

JK: Taehyung finish your workout.

||After 5 days||

[In these 5 days Tae become comfortable with JK. He goes every day for his back workout and stretching. There bonding is becoming close day by day. JK also noticed Tae is not hesitating with his touch. Tae's back is also recovering. Today, Tae is waiting outside the house of JK as Tae decided to show JK around, because JK is from Busan but arrive at Daegu because of the wellness camp.

JK: *taking front seat of car instead of back* Hi Tae!

Tae: You.....* looking back*

JK: I took the liberty of sitting in front of, as we are friends.

Tae: okay!

JK: oh nice! Don't you need the back cushion anymore?

Tae: No, it is much better now.

JK: good even if it is better but do not quit. Do it regularly.

Tae: Yeah, all thanks to you.

JK: if you wanted to thank me than drive me around Daegu. I am here since a long.

Tae: That is why I am here. Fasten your seat belt.

[Tae and JK visit different-different places in Daegu. They also went for hiking where lots of rocks surrounded, JK forward his hand to give proper support and make sure Tae do not fall on rocks. JK and Tae climbing while holding hands and enjoying the view where they saw a painter. Tae requested the painter to make a sketch of him and JK. Tae sets JK's hair and sit beside him. JK put his hand on Tae's shoulder and give a pose. Painter quickly make an amazing painting and appraise the couple. They reach peak and enjoying the view with soft drinks.]


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