Chapter 9: Intense battle training

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Team D go into the building and All Might gives them some advice Y/N was confident and took a few deep breaths.

Ochako: You seem really calm.

Y/N: Yeah well I'm just trying to settle my nerves. Can't go in nervous or else I'll make tons of mistakes.

Ochako: Yeah you make a good point. What do you think Izuku?

She then sees him sweating through his costume.

Ochako: Ah! You're sweating through your costume!

Izuku: Uh. Well. I's just because we're up against Kacchan. Plus there's Tenya too. We should be on our guard who knows what they'll pull.

Ochako: Oh right Katsuki.

Y/N: Is he messing with you?

Izuku: *Sighs* Yeah. And he's amazing.

Y/N was shocked to hear Izuku praising his tormentor.

Izuku: He can be a real pain sure. But his strength and confidence...And his ambitions...Not to mention his quirk. They're all so much greater then mine. But that just means I have to do better. I refuse to lose today.

Ochako looks at Izuku amazed by what he said and Y/N smiled hearing this from him. But then he has a slight flashback of him in school with a sinister smile it ends and he frowns remembering it as he heard Izuku and Ochako talking to each other Y/N then puts his hand on Izuku shoulder Izuku then looks back.

Y/N: Izuku you don't have to fight Katsuki.

Izuku looks at Y/N for a bit he was about to say something until they all heard All Might.

All Might: All right! Let's begin the indoor combat training! Team A and Team D your time starts now!

Y/N puts his hoodie up.

Y/N: Alright were do we start?

Izuku points to a open window on top.

Izuku: Up there.

Y/N nodded.

Small time skip they made it inside the building walking around the area looking for where they placed the bomb while covering there blind spots as they continued walking Katsuki jumps out to the right hallway As Izuku tackles Ochako out the way Y/N hand starts to spark electricity has he shoots it at Katsuki hitting him while Katsuki hits Y/N with an explosion both Izuku and Ochako check on Y/N.

Izuku: Oh my gosh Y/N are you alright!

The smoke clears to reveal Y/N covered in dust and debris and a little bit bruised up.

Y/N: Well other then taking that explosion I'm fine.

Meanwhile Katsuki body starts sparking with electricity as he's still on the ground.

Katsuki: (Thinking) What the?! What the hell was that!? One shot! And it felt like I got hit by a truck!

Katsuki then gets up as he feels his body twitch a bit from the electricity.

Katsuki: (Thinking) This Y/N kid is no joke. I'm not here to fight him tho. I want Izuku so I better beat him fast.

Y/N then lifts his arm up with his hand out as Fire appeared at the palm of his hand.

Y/N: You guys get the weapon. I'll take care of Katsuki.

Izuku: No.

Y/N then looks at Izuku.

Izuku: I'll fight Kacchan.

Y/N: What?!

Izuku: He's most likely only here for me. So if I fight him he'll be distracted long enough for you guys to get the weapon.

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