Chapter 6: Going to UA

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Y/N: Yahoooooo!

Fuyumi and Natsuo all ran towards Y/N.

Fuyumi: Did you make it.

Y/N: Uhhhh yeah!

Shoto: I as well made it.

Fuyumi then hugged both of her little brothers.

Fuyumi: Oh I'm sooooo proud of you two!

Y/N chuckle's as he hugs Fuyumi.

Y/N: Thanks sis.

Y/N then hits Shoto leg.

Shoto: Thanks.

She then releases the hug.

Fuyumi: I'm so happy for you two. You two are going to be great hero's.

Shoto: Yeah.

Natsuo: Just don't be dirt bags ok.

Y/N: Trust me we won't.

Natsuo: Good.

He chuckles as he ruffles Y/N hair.

Y/N was walking around the neighborhood looking for his best friend Inasa Yoarashi. After minutes of looking for Inasa he finally found him.

Y/N: Inasa!

Inasa: Oh hey Y/N.

Y/N: Guess what.

He then shows the envelope.

Y/N: I made it to UA!

Inasa: Wow that's great congratulations my friend!

Y/N: Yeah and I know you definitely made It! So I'm definitely going to see you in UA!
Inasa then starts to scratch the back of his head as he nervously chuckles.

Y/N: Uhhh you did make it. Right?

Inasa: I did but... I decided not to go to UA.

Y/N was shocked as his skin turns pale white and there was a shattered background behind Y/N.

Y/N: Whaaaaaaat!?

Inasa: Yeah I'm sorry bro.

Y/N: But why?!

Inasa: Well it's just... I can't stand to be in the same place as your brother.

Y/N: (Thinking) Shoto?

Inasa: I'm sorry I hope your not mad at me.

Y/N: No of course not.

Inasa: Well I hope everything goes well in UA. But hey maybe when we become pros we can work together. See ya.

He then walks offs Y/N was sad that his best friend wasn't coming but now has questions. since Inasa is gone there's only one person to go to.

Back at home Shoto was walking down the hallway but then heard someone call his name.

Y/N: Shoto.

Shoto then turned around to look at Y/N.

Shoto: Yes.

Y/N: At the recommended exam. Did you and Inasa go at it?

Shoto stayed quiet.

Y/N: You did didn't you?

Shoto: We didn't get into an argument.

Y/N: Then what did you say?

Shoto: All I told him was that I'm not interested on being friends.

Y/N: Shoto he was just trying to be friendly.

Shoto: Like I said. I'm not interested.

Y/N: You know you're starting to be like more like him.

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