Start from the beginning

He touched the inside of his cheek using his tongue, "Yes. Shall we?" He gestured, inviting himself to enter our Kingdom.

I eyed Alas and my other allies. I nodded at them and followed Hyunjin. Jongseong walked beside me, "What the fuck is he trying to do?" He whispered.

I didn't look at him and just shrugged my shoulders. Hyunjin sat on my usual seat, which is on the center. I wonder how thick this bastard's skin is.

"First of all. I don't really want to start a war between Pria and Ariaden. You know, you used to be our ally, but it was cut off when you decided to have ties with Miren." Hyunjin plastered a mischievous smirk as he comfortably placed his two arms on the armrest.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, glaring at him.

He pursed his lips and roamed his eyes around, "Where's the Princess?"

I saw this coming.

"Hand her to me and I shall not shed blood in Ariaden. Simple as that. I just want the Princess."

Alas' heavy sigh could be heard beside me. I held him back just as he was about to attack Pria's young King, "Why? What are you trying to do with the Princess?" Alas asked sternly.

Hyunjin's smirk faded as he looked at Heeseung with a slight shock expression before shifting his gaze towards me. He slowly raised the corner of his lips again, "Woah. I didn't expect you Alas, to react this way. Isn't that supposed to be the prince's reaction? He's after all her fiancé?" He arched a brow, a hint of confusion was all over his face.

"And if I hand over the Princess to you, you won't bother us any longer?" I questioned, which elicited an audible gasp from Heeseung. He tightly held my arm but I immediately managed to remove it from his grip, "Is that it, Your Majesty?"

Hyunjin slowly nodded, "Yes. Cut whatever ties you have with her, too."

"I am making her my queen." He added, which caused me to come to a halt in my position. My mind was suddenly overrun by a slew of thoughts. He won't held her hostage, instead, he will make Ari his Queen?

What the hell is he trying to do?

"Deal?" He smirked.

I gritted my teeth and exhaled harshly, "Could you please give me some time to think about it?" I looked away and gulped.

Hyunjin stood up and clapped once, "Of course! One week should be enough, right?" He chuckled and pat my shoulder, "See you again." The door opened as Hyunjin exited the conference room, he was followed by his right hand.

Heeseung stood in front of me, "Your Highness. Don't tell me you're going to hand her over?"

I clicked my tongue and sat on the chair. I massaged the bridge of my nose. I don't know, Alas. I don't fucking know what to do.

"I am confused. Why would he make her his Queen? That will only make Miren rise again, which Pria obviously doesn't want to happen." Sunoo shook his head and sat on a chair as well. He raised a brow and looked at me, "What's your plan?"

I don't have any idea what Hyunjin is trying to do. He is very unreadable. His actions are confusing.

I inhaled first as I seriously stared at the six people inside the conference room, "I shall hand over my fiancée to the Pria Dynasty." I stated. I saw how Alas clenched his fist as he glared at me.

On the other hand, my allies were shocked with my statement, "They want to kill her? Let them do whatever they want. Do you think I care?"  I added.

I am the future king of Ariaden. If I have to give her up for the sake of the whole kingdom,

then I will.

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