Chapter 13: OHH AMITY!

Start from the beginning

I flinch and hold my breath

To be honest I'm a little unfazed by the pain after today

"Oh my titan Ghostttt" Amity scolds "Why must you be a constant menace"

I shake them off and they glare at me for a second

"Are you ok (y/n)? I'm sorry about them"

"Don't worry about it" I lean on her without bothering to look at the damage

"Well what should we do now?" I ask

"Why don't you tell be what you did when you ditched school" she smirks

"Well ya know the usual" I try not to fully answer

"Well (y/n), if you were wondering school was still boring for the people who stayed there"Amity laughs while playing with my hair tufts

I feel a little weird cuddling her now so I try my best to keep a some distance

I wanna ask her if she really does like Luz

I need to know

"Hey, Am?" I ask


"Do you.. like anyone?" I mumble

"Ummm well you see- if you were to put it like that- I guess maybe- I don't know" She struggles to form a proper sentence

I sit up so I'm face to face with her

Her whole face is red as a tomato, her ears are moving up and down like crazy and she's a little sweaty

"Why do you ask?" She try's to postpone her answer

"Just wondering" I look away

"Well w- who do you think it is?"

"Well it's kinda obvious"

"It is?" She somehow blushes harder

"Yep, you've definitely fallen head over heals for them" I add

"Just tell me who you think it is already" she begs

"Amity's got a crush of Bumpy poo" I tease

I couldn't bring myself to say Luz

I don't think I'm ready to hear it

"Damit (y/n) you really had me fooled this time" She hits me with one of her amazingly fluffy rich people pillows

"Hey, hey I'm only telling the truth" I laugh and I block myself from her hard blows

I grab the pillow out of her hand and whip my head around to face her door

I hear footsteps

"Mittens, it's 5 minutes past your bedtime" her mom calls

Amity's eyes grow wide and she pushes me behind all her pillows

Her mom opens the door and looks around her room as if she were expecting to find something

"I'm sorry mother, I must've lost track of the time" she looks down sadly

"I don't care for your excuses, lights out now" she demands

"Yes mother" Amity twirls her finger and the lights dim as she tucks herself into her bed

"Goodnight mittens" Her mom walks out the door without a second glance at her daughter

I wait a second and Amity pulls the pillows away from my face

"I guess I better go Blight, wouldn't wanna mess up your bedtime" I joke

"Cant you stay a little longer?" She pleads

I slip out of her bed and Rascal flys over to me

"Get your beauty sleep princess" I playfully bow

Amity gets up to say goodbye before I leave

Rascal turns into a staff and I hop up into the windowsill

"Good night (y/n)"

I turn to her and fall backwards out of her window

I wait a second before letting Rascal fly

"Be careful!" She calls

"I will, good night, byeeeee" I yell back to her

1039 words :)

8k reads omfg tysm <333

Anyways have an amazing rest of you day/night :)

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