Chapter Ten

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*Maddie's P.O.V.*

I got up before Ashton and I looked at him. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "I love you." Then he woke up and kissed me on the lips. "Love you too." I smiled. "What happened last night at your place?" he asked. I looked down. "They hate me Ashton. I never want to go back there." I said leaning on his shoulder. He stroked my hair. "He's just like my real father. A frigging drunk. A drunk. They all hate me. But Luke he won't leave me alone. He keeps trying to keep me safe and he doesn't get that you are the only person who makes me feel as though I'm needed." I felt Ashton kiss me head. "I really love you Maddie." He said "I know you probably didn't hear what I said to you last night but I said you to know you are the girlfriend I have been waiting for. You to know you are the best person that has ever come into my life. And you showed me that you don't have to have a flawless face to be beautiful, you also showed me that not everyone is perfect. I really do love you, Maddie. No one will ever change that." I smiled. "Thanks Ash." He grabbed my hand and asked "What would you like to do today?" I looked up at him. "Why don't we just stay here today and watch a movie or something. Or we could go out somewhere again." We decided to stay home and relax.

We sat there on the couch with my head on his shoulder and his arm around me. We watched 'The Pursuit of Happiness' which as Ashton told me was his favorite movie. I looked at him "Ash?" He looked down at me, "Yeah?" I kissed him. "You're the best boyfriend Ashton." He smiled. "Thanks Maddie and you are the best girlfriend." Then we both heard someone at the door. "I'll get it. You stay here." Ashton said standing up. I nodded.

*Ashton's P.O.V.*

I got up leaving Maddie in the living room. "Who the hell is it!" I yelled as I walked towards the door. "Just let me in. I need to speak to Maddie." Said the voice. Who is this? I thought. I opened the door it was her foster brother. "Who, I don't think Maddie really wants to see you right now. Not after what happened last night." I said trying to close the door. Luke pushed I back open. "Let me see her!" he yelled as he pushed me out of the way. "Get the hell out of my house!" I yelled giving him a shoved the back. But then out of nowhere he punched me right in the stomach. I fell to the floor with a loud bang. "Ashton!" I heard Maddie yell. She came out into the hall and saw Luke. "Luke stop!" she yelled he didn't listen. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me off the ground. Then he hit me right across the face, but again out of nowhere he actually punched my face. I fell again. The last thing I heard before I passed out was "Luke get the hell out!"

*Maddie's P.O.V*

"Get out Luke! You and that whole family of yours are all screwed up!" I yelled. "Maddie just listen to me!" he yelled. I didn't need to hear the rest, so I slammed the door in his face. I bent down to Ashton. I looked at the cheek Luke had punched and saw that it was bleeding. I got up and called Emily. She answered. "Hey haven't heard from my best friend in a long time." she said putting a lot of aphis on best. "Well, can you come to hold on." I walked out to the front step. "931 Hill St.?" I asked walking back in. "Yeah of course. One question why?" she said. "Well, my boyfriend is passed out." I said. "Yeah okay. I'll be there in like 10 minutes." Then the line went dead.

I was pacing in the hall for the 10 minutes until Emily came. She knocked once and I ran to the door. "Oh thank god, you're here." I said to her. "Well I'd always help my best friend." She said walking through the hall. "Where's your boyfriend?" Emily asked. I showed her into the living room. "What happened to him?" she asked concerned. "My foster brother Luke came here and he need to talk to me but Ashton didn't let him. Just because of everything that happened last night." I said. "Wow, your family is the definition of hell." She said. I nodded. "Well your mom is a doctor right?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Emily asked nervously. "Well did your mom ever show you how to do stiches?" I asked. She nodded. "Do you think this cut needs stiches?" I asked turning Ashton's head to the left. "Yeah, I would say that would. I'll be right back." She ran out of the house.

It had taken her about 5 minutes to get there this time. But she had done the stiches in about 10 minutes. "Thank you so much Emily." I said hugging her. "No, problem. Well I better get going, but I'll call you later. Alright?" I nodded.

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