Weird Nicknames

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When he got back, he saw Remus and Sirius leaning against the wall outside of the classroom. He speed up slightly.
"Hey, guys," he stated once he was close enough, causing them to look over. Remus smiled as they begun to walk towards Regulus.
"Ready to go to the common room that should be yours?" Sirius joked. Regulus' smile faltered.
"I wish," Regulus tried to make it sound joking, but it didn't come off like that.
"Hopefully, you'll be in there more now," Remus stated. Regulus liked Remus.
"Yeah, Reggie!" Sirius cheered. They joked as they made they're way through the halls, occasionally passing a student who looks on fascinated. Regulus ignores them. He ignored the thought in the back of his head telling him that his parents are going to find out, and he's going to face hell for it.
They eventually reach the Gryffindor common room, and Sirius gives the password, Cranberry.
Sirius instantly went off to find the others. Regulus turned to Remus slightly confused. "I think he wants to show James that you guys are talking again. James and I have unfortunately been on the receiving end of a lot a shit because of him missing you." The end was said with a found smile and a little laugh. Regulus didn't know if Remus and his brother were together or not, but they fucking better be. Remus looked like the world revolved around Sirius.
"That makes sense," Regulus commented to fill the time. Remus began walking forward. Regulus gave him a startled look.
"Come, let's head up to the dorms, after him," Remus finished with another laugh. Regulus followed closely behind Remus. He ignored the looks he got from other Gryffindors. There were other Ravenclaw and Hufflepuffs in the common room, so Regulus wasn't entirely out of place. Other than the fact that he's a Slytherin.
They were about to walk into the dorm room when the door opened quickly.
"I promise you, Prongs, he's out-" Sirius was cut off by running into Remus. Sirius whipped his head back to presumably James then pointed at Regulus. "See, we are actually talking again."
Regulus heard James laugh, and he felt like he was going to puke. Oh shit, he completely forgot about his small, not so small, crush on none other than his brother's best friend. His brother's best friend that so happens to be in love with a red headed Gryffindor and has been for years. "Well, you can't blame me for being hesitant to believe you, Sulk McSulk."
They all laugh at the comment, including Regulus.
"Regulus, why are you laughing?" Sirius practically whined. Regulus just pointed towards Remus, who shrugged. "You know what? Fuck you, Moony, and you too, Prongs." Sirius stormed back into the dorm.
"Okay, what's with these dumb fucking names?" Regulus finally asked. They all sorta froze for a second before all beginning to talk over one another. "Oh, does it have something to do with him?" Regulus asked, pointing to Remus.  Now, they all snapped their heads towards Regulus instead of looking anywhere but him, except Peter. "You guys can tell me or you can not, whatever, just know I figured out his thing." Regulus began to walk into the dorm while everyone else stood still.
"Please don't tell anyone," Remus whispered, practically begging.
"If I wanted to, I would've by now. You don't have anything to be worried about, Remus. Oh, wait, no, Snape's got a weird obsession with figure out what you do once a month, so you should probably do something about that, Other than that, you got nothing to worry about," Regulus explained. He started looking around the dormitory.
"Thanks Regulus," Remus stated before shutting the dorm door. "It means a lot." Remus smiled at Regulus.
"Oh, you still have this?" Regulus asked, as he grabbed a record he secretly gifting his brother last year.
"Of course."

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