The plan

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If you asked anyone at Hogwarts who Regulus Black was you'd probably get Sirius' Slytherin little brother. You'd be correct, but no one knows that Regulus had begged the hat to put him in Gryffindor. They don't know that if Regulus had to give his life for his brother he'd do it in a heartbeat. They don't know how Regulus prays to whatever could be listening for Sirius to talk to him again. They don't see the longing glances towards Sirius and his friends. They don't see the lines covering Regulus' thighs. They don't care enough to know any of those things because he's just Sirius' stupid little brother.

Regulus was reading in the corner of the library when he heard footsteps approach. He ignored them. They'll probably go away on they're own.
"Uh, Regulus?" That caught Regulus' attention. Most people don't dare call him, Regulus. He snapped his head up, and he met the eyes of Lupin, the werewolf.
"What do you want?" Regulus muttered, narrowing his eyes. Remus shifting his weight under Regulus' stare.
"I have a plan that might be able to get Sirius and you talking again. I don't know about you, but I can tell Sirius really misses you. I can leave if you want, but I would really like for you to here me out," Lupin explained, looking away. Regulus' eyes widened. He quickly tried to cover it up, not wanting Lupin to see his reaction.
"Uh, I guess you can explain the plan. I don't have that much time, so you have to make it quick." Regulus tried to make it seem like he had somewhere to be, but he didn't. He never did.
"Oh, right, okay," Lupin took a seat in the chair next to Regulus, "Well, I had to come to you, so you could meet us half way. If Sirius knows it has anything to do with you, he won't go, and I know that sounds bad. He refuses to talk to you because he thinks you hate him which I don't believe." Lupin looked nervously toward Regulus, but Regulus didn't give him anything to go off of. "Right, um, the idea is for you to be in the potions classroom tomorrow night, and I'll tell Sirius we need to go make a certain potion then we'll come to you. The others may try to come with, and if they do, I promise I'll make sure they don't cause a problem with the plan." Lupin looked hesitant about the whole thing.
Regulus' heart was running. Was he going to get to talk to his brother again? Were his prayers heard by whatever is up there, and were they finally answered? Was he finally pitied by the thing in the sky?
"Yeah, yeah, that might work." Regulus couldn't stop his mind running with the possibilities of what could happen. "What if he won't come?"
That's when Lupin smiled a little. "He won't, trust me. He loves pranks, as you very well know. I can just say it's for my next prank idea."
Regulus couldn't hide his surprise, "Your next prank idea?" Regulus thought Lupin just came along because of his friends.
"Well yeah, how do you think we barely get caught?" Lupin asked with a smirk. Regulus didn't even try to hide his amusement.
"Oh my, of course, my brother would've had you expelled by now," Regulus played along with a smile on his face. It was the first time he's joked with someone, actually joked with someone, in years. He ignored how Lupin was able to make him know down walls that have been up for those years. "You're not too bad, Lupin."
Lupin laughed at that, "Remus, call me Remus, I expect to see you around more, might as well." Remus began getting up nodding at Regulus. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Would around seven work?"
Oh right, "Of course, I'll be there."
"Okay, and please don't be rude to him. You know how he is with pride. He wont hear you out if you start being an asshole. I want this to work. You seem like you'd be great to have around." Regulus nodded in agreement. He ignored the way his chest ached.
"Okay, bye, Remus."
"See you soon, Regulus." He left without another word.
Was this a bad idea?

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